
jeudi 31 janvier 2013

ZeBookmark of the day 31-01-2013

Computer (coding, Cryptography, DB, Hacking, Networking, OS, Security, Software)

Economy (Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding, Marketing, Management, Job, Stock Market)


Social (Common Sense, Engineering, Experiement, History, Manif, Network, Philosophy, Politic, Psychology, Warfare)

Underground (Anonymousity, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwar, Lockpicking, Stalking, Spying, Urban Exploration)

mercredi 30 janvier 2013

ZeBookmark of the day 30-01-2013

Computer (coding, Cryptography, DB, Hacking, Networking, OS, Security, Software)

Economy (Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding, Marketing, Management, Job, Stock Market)

Entertainement (Anime, Audio Book, Brain Fart, Cinema, Comic Strip, E-Book, Gaming, Geeked, Music, Netcast, News, Pub, Sport, Travel, XXX)

Hardware (DIY, Drone, Hardline, Military, PC, Radio, Smartphone, TV, Car)

Science (Astronomy, Biology, Chemical, Computer Science, Earth, Futur, Physic, Robotic, Space Exploration)

Social (Common Sense, Engineering, Experiement, History, Manif, Network, Philosophy, Politic, Psychology, Warfare)

Underground (Anonymousity, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwar, Lockpicking, Stalking, Spying, Urban Exploration)

mardi 29 janvier 2013

ZeBookmark of the day 29-01-2013

Computer (coding, Cryptography, DB, Hacking, Networking, OS, Security, Software)

Economy (Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding, Marketing, Management, Job, Stock Market)

Social (Common Sense, Engineering, Experiement, History, Manif, Network, Philosophy, Politic, Psychology, Warfare)

Underground (Anonymousity, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwar, Lockpicking, Stalking, Spying, Urban Exploration)

lundi 28 janvier 2013

ZeBookmark of the day 28-01-2013

Economy (Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding, Marketing, Management, Job, Stock Market)

Entertainement (Anime, Audio Book, Brain Fart, Cinema, Comic Strip, E-Book, Gaming, Geeked, Music, Netcast, News, Pub, Sport, Travel, XXX)

Hardware (DIY, Drone, Hardline, Military, PC, Radio, Smartphone, TV, Car)


Science (Astronomy, Biology, Chemical, Computer Science, Earth, Futur, Physic, Robotic, Space Exploration)

Social (Common Sense, Engineering, Experiement, History, Manif, Network, Philosophy, Politic, Psychology, Warfare)

Underground (Anonymousity, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwar, Lockpicking, Stalking, Spying, Urban Exploration)

dimanche 27 janvier 2013

ZeBookmark of the day 27-01-2013

Computer (coding, Cryptography, DB, Hacking, Networking, OS, Security, Software)

Economy (Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding, Marketing, Management, Job, Stock Market)

Entertainement (Anime, Audio Book, Brain Fart, Cinema, Comic Strip, E-Book, Gaming, Geeked, Music, Netcast, News, Pub, Sport, Travel, XXX)

Hardware (DIY, Drone, Hardline, Military, PC, Radio, Smartphone, TV, Car)


Science (Astronomy, Biology, Chemical, Computer Science, Earth, Futur, Physic, Robotic, Space Exploration)

Social (Common Sense, Engineering, Experiement, History, Manif, Network, Philosophy, Politic, Psychology, Warfare)

Underground (Anonymousity, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwar, Lockpicking, Stalking, Spying, Urban Exploration)

Circulaire IGA 002 - Janvier 2013 4eme semestre ( BETA 1 )

Big Brother is watching at you

"Minor" vulnerability

- ssh backdoor in the wild
- firefox/seamonkey
- linksys WRT54GL
- cisco wireless lan controler
- Oracle MySQL server
- Oracle Java runtime
- Mega (crack)
- trendnet webcam

Cracking n stuff

- WPA cracker :

Currency War

worst case scenario,_China,_Japan_In_Process,_Euro_Could_Be_Next_To_Join_The_War._WGC_Confirms_The_Chinese_Are_Going_To_Back_The_Yuan_With_Gold_/23799/0/0/0/Y/M.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter


War in Mali ( )

effectif malien 6000 troupes, mal armée et mal entrainé.
effectif francais 2000-2500
transport Americain et autre support
African corp 1900
al quaida et friend ????

Operation Timeline

lundi 21-01-2013 : les francais prennent Diabaly
Mardi 22-01-2013 : début de l'aide américaine en matière de transport de troupe et d'équipement francais.
Mercredi 23-01-2013
Jeudi 24-01-2013 : les rebelles en "déroute" demande des pour parlé avec le gov malien \ la france prend en charge la protection des ressources d'uranium.
Vendredi 25-01-2013 : Les troupes malienne (et francaise) repousse les rebel jusqua Gao
Samedi 26-01-2013 : Les francais prenne pied a Gao et botte le cul des rebels.

War in Syria
ca se tire toujours dessus.
l'urss à faite un show d'évacuation
l'iran se met les couilles sur la table :
L'Otan deploye ses Missile Patriot en turquie :

tension chine-japon
le japon on menacer de faire feu sur les avions chinois qui penêtre leurs territoire aérien réclamé par la chine (quelques centaine d'ile (tas de roche)
au sud du japon

North Korea Braging USA

And South Korea

la Chine contre le pot pour la grosse flaque d'eau

Futur of Backtrack

Omnivox Haxor

Yen a pas d'problème

Amor Fati

Brain Buffer Overflow

Web bitcoin mining

Total Democratie faillure

samedi 26 janvier 2013

ZeBookmark of the day 26-01-2013

Computer (coding, Cryptography, DB, Hacking, Networking, OS, Security, Software)

Economy (Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding, Marketing, Management, Job, Stock Market)


Science (Astronomy, Biology, Chemical, Computer Science, Earth, Futur, Physic, Robotic, Space Exploration)

Social (Common Sense, Engineering, Experiement, History, Manif, Network, Philosophy, Politic, Psychology, Warfare)

Underground (Anonymousity, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwar, Lockpicking, Stalking, Spying, Urban Exploration)

vendredi 25 janvier 2013

ZeBookmark of the day 25-01-2013

Computer (coding, Cryptography, DB, Hacking, Networking, OS, Security, Software)

Economy (Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding, Marketing, Management, Job, Stock Market)


Science (Astronomy, Biology, Chemical, Computer Science, Earth, Futur, Physic, Robotic, Space Exploration)

Social (Common Sense, Engineering, Experiement, History, Manif, Network, Philosophy, Politic, Psychology, Warfare)

Underground (Anonymousity, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwar, Lockpicking, Stalking, Spying, Urban Exploration)

jeudi 24 janvier 2013

ZeBookmark of the day 24-01-2013

Computer (coding, Cryptography, DB, Hacking, Networking, OS, Security, Software)

Economy (Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding, Marketing, Management, Job, Stock Market)

Entertainement (Anime, Audio Book, Brain Fart, Cinema, Comic Strip, E-Book, Gaming, Geeked, Music, Netcast, News, Pub, Sport, Travel, XXX)

Hardware (DIY, Drone, Hardline, Military, PC, Radio, Smartphone, TV, Car)


Science (Astronomy, Biology, Chemical, Computer Science, Earth, Futur, Physic, Robotic, Space Exploration)

Social (Common Sense, Engineering, Experiement, History, Manif, Network, Philosophy, Politic, Psychology, Warfare)

Underground (Anonymousity, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwar, Lockpicking, Stalking, Spying, Urban Exploration)

mercredi 23 janvier 2013

ZeBookmark of the day 23-01-2013

Computer (coding, Cryptography, DB, Hacking, Networking, OS, Security, Software)

Economy (Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding, Marketing, Management, Job, Stock Market)

Science (Astronomy, Biology, Chemical, Computer Science, Earth, Futur, Physic, Robotic, Space Exploration)

Social (Common Sense, Engineering, Experiement, History, Manif, Network, Philosophy, Politic, Psychology, Warfare)

Underground (Anonymousity, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwar, Lockpicking, Stalking, Spying, Urban Exploration)

mardi 22 janvier 2013

ZeBookmark of the day 22-01-2013

Computer (coding, Cryptography, DB, Hacking, Networking, OS, Security, Software)

Economy (Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding, Marketing, Management, Job, Stock Market)

Hardware (DIY, Drone, Hardline, Military, PC, Radio, Smartphone, TV, Car)

Knowledge Ressources


Science (Astronomy, Biology, Chemical, Computer Science, Earth, Futur, Physic, Robotic, Space Exploration)

Social (Common Sense, Engineering, Experiement, History, Manif, Network, Philosophy, Politic, Psychology, Warfare)

Underground (Anonymousity, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwar, Lockpicking, Stalking, Spying, Urban Exploration)