
dimanche 26 mai 2013

Circulaire IGA 0019, 4eme semaine de Mai 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
 /                  | |                 \ /           Beta 4  |
| xxxx              , |            _____/|            xxxxxxx |
;  xxx              : ;           <     |;        .   xxxxx   |
:  xxx              ; :                 |:        |   xx      |
 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0019, 4eme semaine de mai 2013,              Kefka]

Pwnpad 301 Moved Permanently Samsung Galaxy S4 hacked Samsung Galaxy S4 already hacked - The H Security: News and Features
Unlock the Galaxy S4
Researcher Unlocks Galaxy S4 Bootloader For AT&T, Verizon Phones - Slashdot
Linksys WRT160nv2 apply.cgi Remote Command Injection
D-Link DIR615h OS Command Injection

Theorical Vulnerability 
Oracle Sun Products Suite CVE-2013-1530 Local Security Vulnerability
Wireshark Websocket Dissector 'packet-websocket.c' Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark Websocket Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark ETCH Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark ASN.1 BER Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark DCP ETSI Dissector NULL Pointer Dereference Denial of Service Vulnerability
WordPress Traffic Analyzer Plugin 'aoid' Parameter Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2383 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-0401 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
 BlackBerry Z10
Full Disclosure: SEC Consult whitepaper :: Blackberry Z10 Research Primer - "Dissecting Blackberry 10 - An initial analysis"
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-1677 Out of Bounds Memory Corruption Vulnerability
 Cisco stuff
Cisco Unified Communications Manager CVE-2013-1240 Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Cisco WebEx Social CVE-2013-1245 Multiple Security Bypass Vulnerabilities
Cisco Wireless LAN Controller CVE-2013-1235 Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability

Transform your android phone in mobile war machine
InfoSec Institute Resources   –  Transforming your Android Phone into a Network Pentesting Device
Ubuntu Laika – an Android phone pen testing platform
Android Pentest, Pentesting using Android? [Part 1]
dSploit - Android Network Penetration Suite

 .`     `.  Authentified Hackers refuelling Device
|   .-.   | -  TIM HORTON             -  COUNTRY STYLE
|\/|   |/\| -  BEL-GAUFRE
|*  `'` **| ===========================================
 `._____.'  Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts 
     =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============
#OpIsrael feedback 'Anonymous' a little less so, thanks to Israeli hackers | The Times of Israel #OpGabrielle CyberGuerrilla soApboX » Anonymous Operation Gabrielle
DroidSQLi petit programme pour android qui permet de faire des injections SQL ;) Injection SQL via Android | Korben Mightytext pour texteur compulsif
Un service génial pour envoyer et recevoir ses textos «  TECHNOSTÉRONE Le blogue de Pascal Forget

bon si vous avez encore windows...
Cyberfox : un Firefox survitaminé !

Vade retro from my smartphone...plz! Bitdefender Clueful : pour savoir ce que font (réellement) vos applications Android | UnderNews Google Inc. stats! Tous les chiffres clés sur Google : société, produits et services… The Government Wants A Backdoor Into Your Online Communications | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Your weekly google glass fix Les Google Glass piratées pour accueillir Ubuntu Google Releases Glass Factory System Image, Rooted Bootloader Geek over Generation La fourmi dévoreuse d’électronique U.S.S Enterprise Price Tag How Much Would It Cost to Build the Starship Enterprise? UK Hackerspace builds mobile spaceship disaster simulator

Astronomy Violent Galactic Clash May Solve Cosmic Mystery - Slashdot Algorithm and Contingency / What our Solar System looks like from a “non-fixed,” view of the sun Biologie Brain Data Capacity If your brain were a computer, how much storage space would it have? Computer Science Some Scientists Question Whether Quantum Computer Really Is Quantum - Slashdot Math Unknown Mathematician Proves Elusive Property of Prime Numbers | Wired Science | Physics Physicists Create Quantum Link Between Photons That Don't Exist at the Same Time | Wired Science | A Snapshot of the Inside of an Atom - ScienceNOW Physics - A New Look at the Hydrogen Wave Function New technique may open up an era of atomic-scale semiconductor devices
Daniel Dennett's seven tools for thinking
How to suck at your religion - The Oatmeal

NASA is funding a 3D food printer, and it'll start with pizza | The Verge
Une adolescente invente un dispositif capable de recharger un mobile en 20s

"Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot" Peak oil Joe Oliver: The end of fossil fuels would be an economic and social catastrophe - The Globe and Mail Bubble Bubble The Major Bubble That Nobody Is Talking About - Seeking Alpha You don’t think we’re in a bubble? - MarketWatch - The big picture - Stock Screener - Stock Market forecast - Rising Star ( $$$ at med risk ) $mu waiting the next catalyser $himx rumored to be a major google glass hardware provider $mnkd devrait sortir un médicament révolutionnaire pour diabète
   $spwr              powered by sun
 - Danger Zone        ( $$$ at high risk )
   $bbry              target : 30$ lancement du Q10, underdog
   $amd        next generation gaming console winners
   $wag               target : 52$ wallmart + green = wallgreen (+medicare)
   $ssys              3d printing
   $txn               fournisseur les processeurs des googles glass.
   $atml              arduino
   $yhoo              target 30$ trending, tumblr acquisition
 - Safety bet         ( $ at low risk )
   $f                 target 20$
   $wfc               Finance solide, good momentum
   $csco              target 40$ good momentum
   $intl              new chip kick arm ass
 - Play the variation
   $tsla              target : 92$ electric car are so trendy           
   $ocz               target low 1.20 target high 1.35 (heavy risk)
   $fslr              low 50$ high 55$, powered by sun

Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées
nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. 

circulaireiga - Free stock market game -

password circiga

n'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;)

                                __   __                     
                              _|  |_|  |_
                             / |  |_|  |_|
                            | <|__|_|__|
                             \_ __ _ __ \
                              _|  |_|  | |
                     $       |_|  |_|  |/
                   _____     $ |__| |__|
                  |_____|  _____   _____     $
                  |_____| |_____| |_____|  _____     $
                  |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|  _____
                  |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|

- Monsanto (terminator seed) Boycott Monsanto – A Simple List of Companies to Avoid | 57un Bhutan To Be First Country to Go 100% Organic | True Activist 5 Most Horrifying Things About Monsanto—Why You Should Join the Global Movement and Protest on Saturday | Alternet Seeds of Destruction: The Record of Monsanto and Genetic Manipulation | Global Research Global march challenges Monsanto's dominance: TIMELINE — RT News - Sony (sopa sipa cispa acta) - Church of Scientology (Tom Cruise) Buycott : une application pour mieux voter avec son argent ________ _______|________|________ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| `|``|```|```````|```|``|` | | | | | | __ | | | | | | \__|| | | | | | ___||_| | | | | | ( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / )( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / | | | | | | (. )( | | | | | | (. | | | | | | (_____________|__|___|_______|___|__|

Robot gun
Robot Guns, Combat Facebook: The Tech of the Army's 'Last' Afghanistan Brigade | Danger Room |

3d printed gun
The \A316 gun: Plastic firearm you can make at home from household items is created by 3D printer  | Mail Online

GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2

Russia get ready for WW3
North Korea v USA - Putin / Russia Orders Preparations For World War 3 - YouTube

Meet the CSTO
The Aviationist » Russia’s NATO to have its own Air Force

The currency war

- North-Korea (Pyongyang style)
 - Treath level : 2 ( = )
 - Conflic Warming

- War in Syria
 - Death tolls
 - Treath level : 3 ( = )
 - Field operation
Violence surges in strategic Syrian city -
Al-Qaeda's Syrian wing takes over the oilfields once belonging to Assad - Telegraph
Syrian troops push into rebel territory - The Globe and Mail
Israel warns Syria against attacks on Golan
Syria’s civil war: The hard men on both sides prevail | The Economist
Syrian forces unleash attack to drive rebels from strategic town, say activists - The Globe and Mail
 - Messing Around
At least 28 dead, 250 wounded in Sunni-Alawite clashes in Tripoli (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT News
Hezbollah Leader: Takfiri Groups in Syria Pose a Grave Danger to Lebanon and to All Lebanese - YouTube
Jordan seeks to deploy patriot missiles on its Syria borders -

- Afghanistan
 - Threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation

- Iraq
 - threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation

- The whole Africa
 - Treath level : 1 ( = )
 - Field "operation"
BBC News - Niger suicide bombers target Areva mine and barracks

              .-.              .-.              .-.    
             |_ _|            |_ _|            |_ _|               
            .</_\>,          .</_\>,          .</_\>,            
            (o_0_o)          (o_0_o)          (o_0_o)             
          .'\ .---'''''''''''--.   /'.      .'\     /'.          
          | .'                  '. | |      | | ;   | |          
          .'                   ;  '._|      |_| :   |_|          
          ;                        ; |   .-. \ \    | |  .-.      
          |___.--''''''''''''--.___|_|  |_ _| \_\-. |_| |_ _|    
          :______.-----------._____; >  </_\>, (_\ \(_>.</_\>,   
         /|  ________    ________  |\   o_0_o)   |\ \  (o_0_o)   
        ( ; (     _.'    '._     ) ; ).'\    /'. | \_.'\     /'. 
        ; \ '._.-'   .''.   '-._.' / ; | ;   | |_|__|| | ;   | | 
        |  |      -' :  \  '-     |  |_| :   |_| |  ||_| :   |_|  
        :  |         ;            |  ;\ \    | | | _| \ \    | |  
        .' ;         .--.         ; '. \_\-. |_|\|/__) \_\-. |_| 
       / .' \     .-'.--.'-.     / '. \|(_\ \(_>       |(_\ \(_> 
      (.'    \   / /'    '\ \   /    '.)  |\ \\        |  |\ \\  
       \      \.'-'        '-'./      /|  | \_\        |  | \_\  
        \.--'''      .''.      '''--./ |__|__| \       |__|__| \ 
       (        \    .--.    /        )|  |  |         |  |  |   
       ;     ..     /  l \      ..    ;|_ | _|         |_ | _|   
        \   (__)   (      )    (__)   /__\|/__)       (__\|/__)  
  _____  '-.______.-\    /--.______.-' ._                        
''   .'              '--'              -.`'----..      
   .'                                    `.      `     
  /                                        \      `    
 /                    |                     \      \   
 \                    |                     /       |    
  |                  / \                    |       |

dimanche 19 mai 2013

Circulaire IGA 0018 3eme semaine de mai 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
 /                  | |                 \ /           Beta 4  |
| xxxx              , |            _____/|            xxxxxxx |
;  xxx              : ;           <     |;        .   xxxxx   |
:  xxx              ; :                 |:        |   xx      |
 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0018, 3eme semaine de mai 2013,      Kali...ssssss]

Exploit Linux kernel some more DoS No-ip client Theorical Vulnerability Java Xenserver Apache Firefox Linux Kernel Tutorial NSA guide _____ .` `. Authentified Hackers refuelling Device | .-. | - TIM HORTON - COUNTRY STYLE | | | | - AU ROYAUME DE LA TARTE - DUNKIN' DONUTs |\/| |/\| - BEL-GAUFRE |* `'` **| =========================================== `._____.' Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============


March against Mosanto

Je pense qu'on aurait pu s'en passer!


Pentest web browser


un petit soft pour concatener toute les sources de vulnerabiliter

Al Quaeda, another CIA tricks ? Alien, Area 51, CIA, judge by yourself Google Microsoft espionnerais via skype pour les USA ?
Your Weekly Google Glass fix Google glass competitor
Astronomy Biologie Computer Science Earth future Physics Space Exploration Psychology Robotic
"Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot" Pauperisation de la population americaine ? Peak oil, peak wood, peak water.

La loi de WallStreet

Psycho-histoire du stock market 

Le coin du bitcoins...le bit...coin...

The big picture

- Stock Market forecast
 - Rising Star        ( $$$ at med risk )
   $mu                waiting the next catalyser
   $himx              rumored to be a major google glass hardware provider
   $mnkd              devrait sortir un médicament révolutionnaire pour diabète cet été
   $fslr              powered by sun
 - Danger Zone        ( $$$ at high risk )
   $bbry              lancement du Q10, underdog
   $amd        Still Low
   $wag               wallmart + green = wallgreen (+medicare)
   $ssys              3d printing
   $ocz               tout ou rien
   $txn               fournisseur les processeurs des googles glass.
 - Safety bet         ( $ at low risk )
   $f                 sous-évalué, sort les ventes de mars mardi le 2/3/13
   $wfc               Finance solide
   $csco              beaucoup d'aquisition stratégique récente
 - Play the variation
   $tsla              electric car are so trendy        

Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées
nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. 

circulaireiga - Free stock market game -

password circiga

n'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;)

                                __   __                     
                              _|  |_|  |_
                             / |  |_|  |_|
                            | <|__|_|__|
                             \_ __ _ __ \
                              _|  |_|  | |
                     $       |_|  |_|  |/
                   _____     $ |__| |__|
                  |_____|  _____   _____     $
                  |_____| |_____| |_____|  _____     $
                  |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|  _____
                  |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|

- Monsanto (terminator seed) Boycott Monsanto – A Simple List of Companies to Avoid | 57un - Sony (sopa sipa cispa acta) - Church of Scientology (Tom Cruise) Buycott : une application pour mieux voter avec son argent ________ _______|________|________ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| `|``|```|```````|```|``|` | | | | | | __ | | | | | | \__|| | | | | | ___||_| | | | | | ( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / )( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / | | | | | | (. )( | | | | | | (. | | | | | | (_____________|__|___|_______|___|__|

Aiming device

GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2

A bit of history

The currency war

North-Korea (Pyongyang style)
 Treath level : 2 ( = )
 Conflic Warming

War in Syria
 Death tolls

 Treath level : 3 ( = )
 Field operation

 Messing Around

The whole Africa
 Treath level : 1 ( = )
 Field "operation"

              .-.              .-.              .-.    
             |_ _|            |_ _|            |_ _|               
            .</_\>,          .</_\>,          .</_\>,            
            (o_0_o)          (o_0_o)          (o_0_o)             
          .'\ .---'''''''''''--.   /'.      .'\     /'.          
          | .'                  '. | |      | | ;   | |          
          .'                   ;  '._|      |_| :   |_|          
          ;                        ; |   .-. \ \    | |  .-.      
          |___.--''''''''''''--.___|_|  |_ _| \_\-. |_| |_ _|    
          :______.-----------._____; >  </_\>, (_\ \(_>.</_\>,   
         /|  ________    ________  |\   o_0_o)   |\ \  (o_0_o)   
        ( ; (     _.'    '._     ) ; ).'\    /'. | \_.'\     /'. 
        ; \ '._.-'   .''.   '-._.' / ; | ;   | |_|__|| | ;   | | 
        |  |      -' :  \  '-     |  |_| :   |_| |  ||_| :   |_|  
        :  |         ;            |  ;\ \    | | | _| \ \    | |  
        .' ;         .--.         ; '. \_\-. |_|\|/__) \_\-. |_| 
       / .' \     .-'.--.'-.     / '. \|(_\ \(_>       |(_\ \(_> 
      (.'    \   / /'    '\ \   /    '.)  |\ \\        |  |\ \\  
       \      \.'-'        '-'./      /|  | \_\        |  | \_\  
        \.--'''      .''.      '''--./ |__|__| \       |__|__| \ 
       (        \    .--.    /        )|  |  |         |  |  |   
       ;     ..     /  l \      ..    ;|_ | _|         |_ | _|   
        \   (__)   (      )    (__)   /__\|/__)       (__\|/__)  
  _____  '-.______.-\    /--.______.-' ._                        
''   .'              '--'              -.`'----..      
   .'                                    `.      `     
  /                                        \      `    
 /                    |                     \      \   
 \                    |                     /       |    
  |                  / \                    |       |

*             Le kit du "parfait" agent dla CIA              *

Bon ok, jvous le done, si y'etais si parfait que ca il ne se
serait pas faite pogner.

et l'histoire complete pour ceux que ca interresse

et un petit suplement pour ceux qui en veullent trop

lundi 13 mai 2013

Circulaire IGA 0017 2eme semaine de Mai 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
 /                  | |                 \ /           Beta 4  |
| xxxx              , |            _____/|            xxxxxxx |
;  xxx              : ;           <     |;        .   xxxxx   |
:  xxx              ; :                 |:        |   xx      |
 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0017, 2eme semaine de mai 2013,      short squeeze]

Hack the planet zine #5 (c'est juste trop bon). Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials Review hacked by the "Hack The Planet" group ; E Hacking News affected - E Hacker News Exploit Craig list gold SQL injection Craigslist Gold - SQL Injection Vulnerability Joomla Joomla DJ Classifieds Extension 2.0 - Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability Linux Kernel Linux Kernel open-time Capability file_ns_capable() - Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Theorical Vulnerability Internet Explorer Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2013-1347 Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Joomla Joomla! DJ-Classifieds Extension 'se_regs' Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability Linux Kernel Linux Kernel CVE-2012-6549 Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability Wordpress WordPress Gallery Plugin 'filename_1' Parameter Remote Arbitrary File Access Vulnerability - Tutorial - desfois c juste pour faire dla marde... Shodan finds the Internet's most dangerous spots - Traffic light controls (1) - CNNMoney - DOS like in the matrix baby Watch: A Website Getting Hacked Into Oblivion | Co.Design: business + innovation + design _____ .` `. Authentified Hackers refuelling Device | .-. | - TIM HORTON - COUNTRY STYLE | | | | - AU ROYAUME DE LA TARTE - DUNKIN' DONUTs |\/| |/\| - BEL-GAUFRE |* `'` **| =========================================== `._____.' Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============
OpUSA hacktivist attack results in defacements

Android Virtual Machine AndroVM blog | Running Android in a Virtual Machine Give me back my Windows pleease !!! Review of Start8 and Pokki: Bringing an Old Start to a New Windows -
Google dépose un brevet inquiétant pour les libertés individuelles Do You Want the Government Buying Your Data From Corporations? - Bruce Schneier - The Atlantic Des conspirateurs qui conspire des conspirations Tomgram: Rosner and Markowitz, Your Body Is a Corporate Test Tube | TomDispatch
transformer votre cellphone en portable Casetop, transformez votre smartphone en ordinateur portable ! - FrAndroid Histoire des manettes de jeux Your weekly Google Glass fix The Jury's Out on Google Glass - Digits - WSJ Time Traveling using Google Maps? Sure is a good way to see massive changes.. (try "Expliore the world")
Timelapse: Landsat Satellite Images of Climate Change, via Google Earth Engine

Hobby electronics team up with augmented reality

Everything you need to know to make a Laser engraver from scrap

- Astronomy Lunar water came from Earth - Computer Science Quantum computer passes speed test : Nature News Blog - Earth The Sixth Extinction is Upon Us. | elephant journal - Physics The secret lives of bubbles: Mathematicians describe evolution, dissolution of clusters of bubbles (w/ video) Symbolab Raises $1.2m for its Unique Mathematical Search Engine - Robotic The New AI: Where Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Meet - Slashdot
"Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot" How hackers allegedly stole “unlimited” amounts of cash from banks in just hours | Ars Technica Le coin du bitcoins...le bit...coin... Why Bitcoin will succeed - Outside the Box - MarketWatch - The big picture - Stock Screener - Stock Market forecast - Rising Star ( $$$ at med risk ) $mu waiting the next catalyser $himx rumored to be a major google glass hardware provider $mnkd devrait sortir un médicament révolutionnaire pour diabète cet été $fslr powered by sun $tsla electric car are so trendy - Danger Zone ( $$$ at high risk ) $bbry lancement du Q10, underdog $amd Still Low $wag wallmart + green = wallgreen (+medicare) $ssys 3d printing $ocz tout ou rien $txn fournisseur les processeurs des googles glass. $atml - Safety bet ( $ at low risk ) $f sous-évalué, sort les ventes de mars mardi le 2/3/13 $wfc Finance solide $csco beaucoup d'aquisition stratégique récente $intl - Earning Move $fslr lundi soir 6-5-13 (acheter avant close) $tsla mercredi 8-5-13 $renn 18-5-13 Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. circulaireiga - Free stock market game - password circiga n'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;) __ __ _| |_| |_ / | |_| |_| | <|__|_|__| \_ __ _ __ \ _| |_| | | $ |_| |_| |/ _____ $ |__| |__| |_____| _____ _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|
- Monsanto (terminator seed) - Sony (sopa sipa cispa acta) - Church of Scientology (Tom Cruise) ________ _______|________|________ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| `|``|```|```````|```|``|` | | | | | | __ | | | | | | \__|| | | | | | ___||_| | | | | | ( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / )( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / | | | | | | (. )( | | | | | | (. | | | | | | (_____________|__|___|_______|___|__|

un ptit peu d'histoire geo-politique

GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2

My Lazer is bigger than yours...missiles.
Watch Lockheed Martin’s ADAM laser destroy a missile mid-flight | Science! |


The Russian annoy
Russian military again flies strategic bombers near Alaska | Washington Free Beacon

- North-Korea (Pyongyang style)
 - Treath level : 2 ( = )
 - Conflic Warming

 - Conflic Cooling

- War in Syria
 - Treath level : 3 ( = )
 - Field operation
Breaking news: Traffic from Syria Disappears from Internet - Umbrella Security Labs

 Free Syrian Army rebels defect to Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra | World news | The Guardian

 - Messing Around

Reuters Next — Hezbollah says Syria will send it new arms after Israeli raid

- Afghanistan
 - Threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation

- Iraq
 - threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation

- The whole Africa
 - Treath level : 1 ( = )
 - Field "operation"
Reuters Next — South Sudan rebels force army from eastern base and town

              .-.              .-.              .-.    
             |_ _|            |_ _|            |_ _|               
            .</_\>,          .</_\>,          .</_\>,            
            (o_0_o)          (o_0_o)          (o_0_o)             
          .'\ .---'''''''''''--.   /'.      .'\     /'.          
          | .'                  '. | |      | | ;   | |          
          .'                   ;  '._|      |_| :   |_|          
          ;                        ; |   .-. \ \    | |  .-.      
          |___.--''''''''''''--.___|_|  |_ _| \_\-. |_| |_ _|    
          :______.-----------._____; >  </_\>, (_\ \(_>.</_\>,   
         /|  ________    ________  |\   o_0_o)   |\ \  (o_0_o)   
        ( ; (     _.'    '._     ) ; ).'\    /'. | \_.'\     /'. 
        ; \ '._.-'   .''.   '-._.' / ; | ;   | |_|__|| | ;   | | 
        |  |      -' :  \  '-     |  |_| :   |_| |  ||_| :   |_|  
        :  |         ;            |  ;\ \    | | | _| \ \    | |  
        .' ;         .--.         ; '. \_\-. |_|\|/__) \_\-. |_| 
       / .' \     .-'.--.'-.     / '. \|(_\ \(_>       |(_\ \(_> 
      (.'    \   / /'    '\ \   /    '.)  |\ \\        |  |\ \\  
       \      \.'-'        '-'./      /|  | \_\        |  | \_\  
        \.--'''      .''.      '''--./ |__|__| \       |__|__| \ 
       (        \    .--.    /        )|  |  |         |  |  |   
       ;     ..     /  l \      ..    ;|_ | _|         |_ | _|   
        \   (__)   (      )    (__)   /__\|/__)       (__\|/__)  
  _____  '-.______.-\    /--.______.-' ._                        
''   .'              '--'              -.`'----..      
   .'                                    `.      `     
  /                                        \      `    
 /                    |                     \      \   
 \                    |                     /       |    
  |                  / \                    |       |

mardi 7 mai 2013

Circulaire IGA 0016 1ere semaine de Mai 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
 /                  | |                 \ /           Beta 4  |
| xxxx              , |            _____/|            xxxxxxx |
;  xxx              : ;           <     |;        .   xxxxx   |
:  xxx              ; :                 |:        |   xx      |
 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0016, 1ere semaine de mai 2013,          germanium]

Speak with us on IRC : irc://

Hacker manifesto 4.0

Hacker spirits





Wifi cracking with Android

Theorical Vulnerability 

Linux Kernel


Internet Explorer



Virus heartbeat

Pourquoi se casser la tete quand ca peut etre simple ?

 .`     `.  Authentified Hackers refuelling Device
|   .-.   | -  TIM HORTON             -  COUNTRY STYLE
|\/|   |/\| -  BEL-GAUFRE
|*  `'` **| ===========================================
 `._____.'  Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts 
     =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============
Power Ranking OpUSA
une bonne vieille command line pour changer toute les uppercase en lowercase dans des noms de fichier ( desfois qui vous viendrais a l'idee d'installer quake2... ou que au contraire vous aillez une vrai raison d'en avoir de besoin ). find ./ | sort -r | sed 's/\(.*\/\)\(.*\)/mv "\1\2" "\1\L\2"/' |sh

Institutionalized Spying on Americans: Big Brother is No Longer a Fiction  |  Global Research

juste pour pas oublier

the US gov just recording all phone call

how facebook exploit your private information...from linkedin...

NSA new complex

I am Ironman


Google Glass teaser

Google Glass downer

Le plus petit film 

Star wars in asciimation




Space Exploration



Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot"
"Le secret du bonheur c'est ?.... l'autre cote de la piece d'or Le coin du bitcoins...le...bit coin..... Canada new cyber money, the mintchip La bourse a la vitesse de la lumiere reality check point The big picture - Stock Market forecast - Rising Star ( $$$ at med risk ) $mu waiting the next catalyser $himx rumored to be a major google glass hardware provider $mnkd devrait sortir un médicament révolutionnaire pour diabète $fslr powered by sun $tsla electric car are so trendy - Danger Zone ( $$$ at high risk ) $bbry lancement du Q10, underdog $amd Still Low $wag wallmart + green = wallgreen (+medicare) $ssys 3d printing $ocz tout ou rien $txn fournisseur les processeurs des googles glass. $atml - Safety bet ( $ at low risk ) $f sous-évalué, sort les ventes de mars mardi le 2/3/13 $wfc Finance solide $csco beaucoup d'aquisition stratégique récente $intl - Earning Move $tsla mercredi 8-5-13 $renn 18-5-13 Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. circulaireiga - Free stock market game - password circiga n'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;) __ __ _| |_| |_ / | |_| |_| | <|__|_|__| \_ __ _ __ \ _| |_| | | $ |_| |_| |/ _____ $ |__| |__| |_____| _____ _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|

- Monsanto   (terminator seed) 
- Sony       (sopa sipa cispa acta)
- Church of Scientology (Tom Cruise)

                |  |   |       |   |  |
             __ |  |   |       |   |  |
            \__||  |   |       |   |  | 
          ___||_|  |   |       |   |  |
         (      |  |   |       |   |  | 
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     /          |  |   |       |   |  | 
    (.     )(   |  |   |       |   |  |
   (.           |  |   |       |   |  |

China vs America, biggest balls war ;)

Nuclear warfare fears

US blackops

Rise of the machine

GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2

North-Korea (Pyongyang style)
 Treath level : 2 ( = )
 Conflic Warming

 Conflic Cooling

War in Syria
 Treath level : 3 ( +1 )
 Field operation

 Threath level : 1 ( = )
 Field operation

 threath level : 1 ( = )
 Field operation

The whole Africa
 Treath level : 1 ( = )
 Field "operation"

the Kurdes case

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*             Are you ready for some football ?              *

*    Des conspirateurs qui conspire des conspirations        *

pour conspirer ca prend bien sur une piece secrete cacher 
derriere une bibliotheque

*                   Ca sent le printemps                     *