_________________ _________________ __________________
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: xxx ; : |: | xx |
_ __ ___ __________| _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0049, 3eme Semaine de Decembre 2013, ]
Pour nous joindre :
#sector_X on Freenode, efnet, undernet
My Google Glass weekly fix
Google Glass Lead: How Wearing Tech on Our Bodies Actually Helps It Get Out of Our Way | Wired Opinion | Wired.com
climagic Matrix Effect
Linux sex: date; unzip; strip; touch; mount; yes; etc..
Windows sex: start; explore; reboot; viruscheck; solitaire

Intelligent Exploit Aggregation Network - IEAN
MS13-101 Windows Kernel win32k.sys - Integer Overflow
-=[Proof of concept]=-
[Windows Kernel]
-=[Theorical Vulnerability]=-
[Linux Kernel]
Linux Kernel '/bcm/Bcmchar.c' CVE-2013-4515 Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Linux Kernel '/drivers/scsi/aacraid/commctrl.c' Pointer Dereference Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark TCP Dissector CVE-2013-6340 Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark IEEE 802.15.4 Dissector CVE-2013-6336 Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark NBAP Dissector CVE-2013-6337 Denial of Service Vulnerability
cURL/libcURL SSL Certificate Host Name Validation Security Bypass Vulnerability
-=[Tutorial & paper & stuff]=-
[Wpa/Wpa2 cracking]
Reaver-wps WPA/WPA2 Cracking Tutorial | Ethical Hacking-Your Way To The World Of IT Security
[Port scanning with netcat]
Haktip 85 - Netcat 101: Port Scanning in Netcat
[Social engineering
Defcon 21 - Social Engineering: The Gentleman Thief - YouTube

Self-Destructing Cookies :: Add-ons for Firefox
Un mouchard dans votre poche… la preuve | Data Security Breach
[Space, Galaxys, Planets, Quasar]
La Voie lactée a bien quatre bras - Sciences et Avenir
[Medical, Drugs, DNA, Virus, Health]
Des scientifiques inventent un robot bionique à base de sperme de taureau | Daily Geek Show
2013/12/16 > BE Espagne 132 > Des molécules de synthèse capables de bloquer la réplication du virus du SIDA
[Atoms, Black Holes, Dark Matter]
"Perfect" Electron Roundness Bruises Supersymmetry - Slashdot
[Human behaviour, Social behavior]
The Cheerleader Effect: New Research on What Men Do to Impress - WSJ.com
[Machines, Robots, AI, Drones]
-=[Space Exploration]=-
[Probe, Rocket, Space Science]
Video: Iran launches second monkey into space - The Globe and Mail
NASA testing lighter space suits for asteroid work

US drone killer
Army Laser Passes Drone-Killing Test
-=[GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 3]=-
[North-Korea (Pyongyang style)]
Treath level : 0 ( = )
Conflic Warming
Video: North Korean army stages mass loyalty rally - The Globe and Mail
N. Korea threatens to 'strike South Korea mercilessly' - CNN.com
Treath level : 2 ( = )
Field operation
83 dead in aerial bombardments on Aleppo, Syria, opposition group says - CNN.com
[The whole Africa]
Treath level : 1 ( = )
Field "operation"
treath level 1 ( = )
field operation
Israeli soldier killed at border with Lebanon - CNN.com
Israeli army shoots 2 Lebanese soldiers in reprisal - MarketWatch
treath level 1 ( = )
field operation
Chinese police 'shoot 14 dead' in Xinjiang riot - ITV News
treath level 1 ( = )
field operation
Russia moves nuclear-capable missiles closer to EU
Russia stations missiles near border with Poland, Lithuania - The Globe and Mail
-=[Under heavy terrorisme activity]=-
threath level 1 ( = )
Field operation
News from The Associated Press
threath level 0 ( = )
Field operation
threath level 0 ( = )
Field operation
Iran Claims Capture of 'MI6 Spy'
-=[Manif on the brinks of revolution]=-
treath level 0 ( = )
field operation
treath level 0 ( = )
field operation
Protesters clash with police at anti-austerity demonstrations in Rome, Turin and Venice > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation

"Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot"
[Le coin du bitcoin, le bit...coin!]
BREAKING NEWS: Denmark makes it LEGAL to establish Bitcoin Exchanges » Cryptocurrency News, Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Altcoin news
Bitcoin takes 50% plunge after China's biggest exchange bans new deposits — RT Business
Who Owns the World's Biggest Bitcoin Wallet? The FBI | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com
[Stock Market forecast]
Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées
nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch.
circulaireiga - Free stock market game - MarketWatch.com
- password circiga
N'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;)
- Monsanto (terminator seed)
- Church of Scientology
[Are you ready for some football]
Week 15 top 3 throws
Twitter / nflnetwork: Top 3 Throws: Week 15
3. M. ...
Week 15 top 3 runs
Twitter / nflnetwork: Top 3 Runs (Week 15):
3. ...
Team powerranking for week 16
Power Rankings, Week 16: Chiefs on the rise, Pats on the decline - NFL.com
prédiction of last week (#11 : 10/16 (62.5%))
prédiction total (132/208 (63.46%))
dimanche 22/12/2013 : Miami vs Buffalo : Miami
New Orleans vs Carolina : New Orleans
Minnesota vs Cincinnati : Cincinnati
Denver vs Houston : Denver
Tennessee vs Jacksonville : Jacksonville
Indianapolis vs Kansas City : Kansas City
Cleveland vs New York Jets : Cleveland
Tampa Bay vs Saint Louis : Tampa Bay
Dallas vs Washington : Dallas
New York Giants vs Detroit : Detroit
Arizona vs Seattle : Seattle
New England vs Baltimore : New England
Pittsburg vs Green Bay : Green Bay
Oakland vs San Diego : San Diego
Chicago vs Philadelphia : Philadelphia
Lundi 23/12/2013 : Atlanta vs San Francisco : San Francisco