
samedi 22 mars 2014

Circulaire IGA 0062 et suivante

Hi to all Circulaire IGA follower.

The Circulaire IGA have now flying by is own. the Circulaire IGA have now it's own web server. you can reach the lastest release here :

Bonjour à vous amateur de La Circulaire IGA.

 La Circulaire IGA vole désormais de ses propres ailes, elle sera héberger sur ses propres serveur web. Vous trouverez le dernier numéro ici:

Merci/Thank you

samedi 15 mars 2014

Circulaire IGA 0061

Hi to all Circulaire IGA follower.

The Circulaire IGA have now flying by is own. the Circulaire IGA have now it's own web server. you can reach the lastest release here :

Bonjour à vous amateur de La Circulaire IGA.

 La Circulaire IGA vole désormais de ses propres ailes, elle sera héberger sur ses propres serveur web. Vous trouverez le dernier numéro ici:

Merci/Thank you

dimanche 9 mars 2014

Circulaire IGA 0060

Hi to all Circulaire IGA follower.

The Circulaire IGA have now flying by is own. the Circulaire IGA have now it's own web server. you can reach the lastest release here :

Bonjour à vous amateur de La Circulaire IGA.

 La Circulaire IGA vole désormais de ses propres ailes, elle sera héberger sur ses propres serveur web. Vous trouverez le dernier numéro ici :

Merci/Thank you

ZeBookmark Fevrier 2014

Art and Design

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21 erreurs HTML et CSS à éviter |Miss SEO Girl
Against Mass Scanner / SSH Brute Forcer 0.2 ≈ Packet Storm
VLC 2.1.2 - (.asf file) Crash PoC
Android Browser and WebView addJavascriptInterface - Code Execution
PHP Webcam Video Conference - Multiple Vulnerabilities
D-Link DSL-2750B ADSL Router - CSRF Vulnerability
Wordpress Frontend Upload Plugin - Arbitrary File Upload
Windows TrackPopupMenuEx Win32k NULL Page
NetGear DGN2200 N300 Wireless Router - Multiple Vulnerabilities
Dlink DIR-615 Hardware vE4 Firmware v5.10 - CSRF Vulnerability
Wordpress BP Group Documents Plugin 1.2.1 - Multiple Vulnerabilities
Wordpress AdRotate Plugin 3.9.4 - (clicktracker.php, track param) - SQL Injection
Mini HTTPD 1.21 - Stack Buffer Overflow POST Exploit
Notepad++ CCompletion Plugin 1.19 - Stack Buffer Overflow
VLC 2.1.3 - (.avs file) Crash PoC
Why I removed my sensitive files from Google - VaGoSec
Scientists demonstrate first contagious airborne WiFi virus |
Oracle Java SE CVE-2014-0417 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-5888 Local Security Vulnerability
Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2014-0431 Remote Security Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2014-1478 Multiple Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities
Pidgin 'asn_getUtf8()' Function Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Pidgin 'gg_http_watch_fd()' Function Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
IBM Java CVE-2013-5457 Unspecified Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability
Linux Kernel KVM 'apic_get_tmcct()' Function Denial of Service Vulnerability
Adobe Flash Player CVE-2014-0497 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2014-0423 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2014-0402 Remote Security Vulnerability
Linux Kernel CVE-2013-6368 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
OpenStack Glance Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2014-0281 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/SeaMonkey CVE-2014-1483 Multiple Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities
Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2014-0289 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/SeaMonkey/Thunderbird CVE-2014-1487 Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Oracle MySQL Client 'main()' Function Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Pidgin 'libpurple' Multiple Denial of Service Vulnerabilities
Pidgin 'sipmsg_parse_header()' Function Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Linux Kernel CVE-2013-7263 Multiple Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities
Linux Kernel 'pn_recvmsg()' Function Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability
D-Link DAP-2253 Router Cross Site Scripting and Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilities
Mozilla Firefox/SeaMonkey/Thunderbird Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2014-1481 Security Bypass Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2014-1482 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2014-0386 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2014-0401 Remote Security Vulnerability
Linux Kernel KVM 'recalculate_apic_map()' Function Denial of Service Vulnerability
Linux Kernel CVE-2013-4470 Multiple Local Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities
Microsoft .NET Framework CVE-2014-0253 Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
Microsoft .NET Framework CVE-2014-0295 ASLR Security Bypass Vulnerability
Microsoft .NET Framework CVE-2014-0257 Remote Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2014-0322 Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Linux Kernel 'ipc_rcu_putref()' Function Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-5887 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-5889 Remote Security Vulnerability
Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2014-0285 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Linux Kernel '/fs/cifs/file.c' Local Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Alert: Android WebView addJavascriptInterface Code execution Vulnerability | trustlook news
Oracle Java SE CVE-2014-0410 Remote Security Vulnerability
New iOS flaw makes devices susceptible to covert keylogging, researchers say | Ars Technica
Background Monitoring on Non-Jailbroken iOS 7 Devices — and a Mitigation | FireEye Blog
Google Chrome CVE-2013-6643 Unspecified Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-5896 Remote Security Vulnerability
Linux Kernel CVE-2014-2039 Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
Xen 'xc_cpupool_getinfo()' Function Use After Free Memory Corruption Vulnerability
This iPhone-Sized Device Can Hack A Car, Researchers Plan To Demonstrate - Forbes
Ethical Hacking Tutorials, Tips and Tricks. Free Tutorials, How to's
Hackvids – a list of documentaries about hackers
Hacked X-Rays Could Slip Guns Past Airport Security | Threat Level | · The house of rising sandbox
IT Security and Hacking knowledge base - SecDocs
Attention Required! | CloudFlare
Optimiser son SSD sous Linux -
Firewall Builder – Une interface graphique pour configurer vos règles iptables, OpenBSD PF, ipfilter, ipfw, Cisco PIX – La vache libre
da667/unlimited · GitHub
How to access Twitter from the command line on Linux - Linux FAQ


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Les outils SEO gratuits pour suivre le positionnement de votre site - JDN Web & Tech


Neuromancer - William Gibson - Audiobook Full - YouTube
Linux eBooks Library and other useful IT eBooks (For Free) - Ubuntu/Linux News, Reviews, Tutorials, Apps


New Polymer Could End Battery Fires, Quadruple Efficiency | Autopia |
Technical Machine
Will Hypersonic Capabilities Render Missile Defense Obsolete? | The Diplomat
New US Military Space Plane Aims for 2017 Liftoff |
Naval Open Source INTelligence: Navy develops 'world's smallest guided missile'
At Last, a Google Glass for the Battlefield | Danger Room |
Naval Open Source INTelligence: Israel successfully tests anti-missile system for commercial planes
The Aviationist » First images of the new Iraqi Mi-28 Night Hunter attack helicopters
Army's Robotic Arsenal Adds $11M Driverless Trucks: Video - Bloomberg
New Suspension Generates Power From Bumps and Curves | Autopia |
Actualité > IBM réalise la première puce radio à base de graphène
Graphene Conducts Electricity Ten Times Better Than Expected - Slashdot


Meet the Kraken: Hydrocarbon seas spotted at Titan’s north pole | Ars Technica
La plus vieille étoile connue est âgée de 13,6 milliards d'années - France Info
6-billion-year-old quasar spinning nearly as fast as physically possible | Ars Technica
Actualité Météo : Un astéroïde à la trajectoire indéterminée près de la Terre mardi - La Chaîne Météo
New Bionic Hand Gives Amputee a Grip — And a Sense of Touch - Wired Science
World's first genetically modified babies born | The Change Within
Self-Assembling Molecules Like These May Have Sparked Life on Earth - Wired Science
Gene therapy: Ingenious | The Economist
GMO Human Embryos Have Already Been Created | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
Scientists revive largest virus yet from 30,000-year-old permafrost | Ars Technica
Des scientifiques ont découvert que l’être humain pourrait vivre jusqu’à 500 ans | Daily Geek Show
Quarks Know Their Left From Their Right | Science/AAAS | News
We're One Step Closer to Nuclear Fusion Energy - Wired Science
Mysterious Quantum 'Dropletons' Form Inside Semiconductors Shot With Lasers - Wired Science
Un drone qui mange et digère l'herbe - Sciences et Avenir
NASA is now accepting applications from companies that want to mine the moon | The Verge


Des empreintes d'hommes datant de plus de 800 000 ans découvertes en Angleterre
4.4 bn year old zircon reveals life on Earth appeared earlier than believed — RT News
The Human Brain Now Reacts to Emoticons Like Real Faces | Underwire |
Five Futuristic Weapons That Could Change Warfare | StratRisks
How to Annex Another Nation's Territory - Popular Mechanics


NSA uses Google cookies to find targets for hacking, spying
Ghetto Forensics: Is Google Scanning Malware Email Attachments Between Researchers
Mapping Hacking Team’s “Untraceable” Spyware
Blackphone Designed to Make Crypto Sexy, Simple
Facebook sait tout de vous et garde en mémoire votre historique de recherche: voici comment l’effacer -
Page cannot be found
New drone technology “equivalent to the capabilities of 100 Predator drones”
Snowden Documents Reveal Covert Surveillance and Pressure Tactics Aimed at WikiLeaks and Its Supporters - The Intercept
How a Hacker Intercepted FBI and Secret Service Calls With Google Maps
The Globe goes inside Canada’s top-secret spy agency - The Globe and Mail
Schneier on Security: COTTONMOUTH-II: NSA Exploit of the Day

dimanche 2 mars 2014

Circulaire IGA 0059 1ere semaine de Mars 2014 ***NEW LAYOUT***

Hi to all Circulaire IGA follower.

The Circulaire IGA have now flying by is own. the Circulaire IGA have now it's own web server. you can reach the lastest release here :

Bonjour à vous amateur de La Circulaire IGA.

 La Circulaire IGA vole désormais de ses propres ailes, elle sera héberger sur ses propres serveur web. Vous trouverez le dernier numéro ici :

Merci/Thank you