
lundi 29 avril 2013

Circulaire IGA 0015 quatrième semestre d'Avril 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
 /                  | |                 \ /           Beta 3  |
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 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0015, 4eme semestre d'avril 2013,  gobelin's smell]

Can you beat the USAF ? root the navy.... Google Glass rooted - Exploit - Windows light httpd - Backdoor - apache - Theorical Vulnerability - Firefox - Java Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-1558 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-1485 Security Bypass Vulnerability Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2415 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability - Avast Android avast! Mobile Security for Android CVE-2013-0122 Local Denial of Service Vulnerability - MySQL Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2013-0371 Remote Security Vulnerability Oracle MySQL CVE-2013-1526 Remote MySQL Server Vulnerability Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2013-1544 Remote Security Vulnerability Oracle MySQL CVE-2013-1552 Remote MySQL Server Vulnerability Oracle MySQL CVE-2013-2375 Remote MySQL Server Vulnerability Oracle MySQL CVE-2013-1531 Remote MySQL Server Vulnerability - PhpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin 3.5.8 and 4.0.0-RC2 - Multiple Vulnerabilities - Glibc GNU glibc 'getaddrinfo()' Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability - joomla Joomla! <= 3.0.3 (remember.php) - PHP Object Injection Vulnerability - linux kernel Linux Kernel CVE-2013-3233 Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability Linux Kernel CVE-2013-3076 Multiple Local Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities Linux Kernel ext4 Local Denial of Service Vulnerability _____ .` `. Authentified Hackers refuelling Device | .-. | - TIM HORTON - COUNTRY STYLE | | | | - AU ROYAUME DE LA TARTE - DUNKIN' DONUTs |\/| |/\| - BEL-GAUFRE |* `'` **| =========================================== `._____.' Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============
MayDay Anonymous - #MayDay - YouTube #op American Freedom Anonymous – #Operation American Freedom | USA Partisan Chanology Montreal avril 2013 ANONYMOUS MONTRÉAL: Manifestation d'avril 2013 à Montréal ============================================================== * Gears of war * ============================================================== Xmind - draw your tought XMind: Professional & Powerful Mind Mapping Software google glass kernel Lynis - linux oriented audit system Audit the security of your Unix/Linux systems using lynis | Unixmen ============================================================== * Geek Stuff * ============================================================== Wanna Ranch, wanna start a post Apocalyptic Global Village from scratch ? .. you need tools.. open tools ! Open Source Ecology Efficient Solar Dish A Visual history of : The History of Programming Languages and 9 Security Tips [INFOGRAPHIC] Trainning an AI with Opensource Software to play NES games... directed bruteforcing !?
Watch particle colliding
The Art of Physics: Winning Photos of Giant Particle Colliders | Wired Science |

Street Digital Artist Neo-punk activism !
"Artists as Hackers" panel at Eyebeam during F.A.T GOLD exhibition |

- Biologie Radioactive Microbes Nuke Tumor Cells | Wired Science | The Most Bizarre, Surprising, and Disgusting Animal Superpowers | Wired Science | 'Master Gene' Makes Mouse Brain Look More Human - ScienceNOW This Bioengineered Rat Kidney Could Pave The Way For On-Demand Replacement Organs | Popular Science Ordinary skin cells morphed into functional brain cells - Computer Science Harvard/MIT Student Creates GPU Database, Hacker-Style - Slashdot - Earth BBC News - Earth's core far hotter than thought - Physics Another dark-matter sign from a Minnesota mine : Nature News Blog - Space Exploration Your Odds of Becoming an Astronaut Are Going Up | Wired Science | La NASA envoie trois smartphones sous Android dans l'espace !!! Projet PhoneSat - Meta physics Physicist Proposes New Way To Think About Intelligence - Slashdot - Meta psycho history Paul Tyma: Why We'll Never Meet Aliens - Tech IBM researchers model human blood system to build solar power prototype Actualité > Une microbatterie ultrapuissante et rechargeable en une seconde - future Glowing Plants: Natural Lighting with no Electricity by Antony Evans — Kickstarter
"Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot" The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever | Politics News | Rolling Stone Infographic: The fake-tweet retreat explained - The Tell - MarketWatch tsé quand ca va ben... - GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD! The US is moving to a gold standard - Why the gold ‘mega bears’ are wrong - MarketWatch - Le coin du bitcoins...le...bit coin..... Website is currently unavailable (2) Wired Fires Up New Bitcoin Miner, World Drools | Wired Enterprise | The Highest Concentration Of Bitcoins In The World Is In... Berlin | Zero Hedge Canada to tax Bitcoin transactions - TV — RT Business Are DDoS attacks being used to fix Bitcoin rates? — RT USA Bitcoin Forum - The Unofficial Bitcoin Forum - Index - The big picture - Stock Screener - Stock Market forecast - Rising Star ( $$$ at med risk ) $mu waiting the next catalyser $himx rumored to be a major google glass hardware provider $mnkd devrait sortir un médicament révolutionnaire pour diabÚte cet été $fslr powered by sun $tsla electric car are so trendy $dsco nouveau médicament au 2eme quart. $alxa nouveau médicament au 3eme quart $path nouveau médicament au 4eme quart - Play the variation ( $$$ at high risk ) - Danger Zone ( $$$ at high risk ) $znga sous évalué target 5.60$ $bbry lancement du Q10 $amd Still Low $wag wallmart + green = wallgreen (+medicare) $ssys 3d printing $ocz tout ou rien $txn fournisseur les processeurs des googles glass. - Dont Ask ;) ( $$ at low risk ) $VLO acheté maintenant récolté cet été - Safety bet ( $ at low risk ) $f sous-évalué, sort les ventes de mars mardi le 2/3/13 $wfc Finance solide $csco beaucoup d'aquisition stratégique récente $qcom il l'ont tu l'affaires les chinois $mnst sales skyrocket - Earning Move Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées nous avons créé une game sur marketwatch. circulaireiga - Free stock market game - password circiga n'hésitez pas à  vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;) __ __ _| |_| |_ / | |_| |_| | <|__|_|__| \_ __ _ __ \ _| |_| | | $ |_| |_| |/ _____ $ |__| |__| |_____| _____ _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|
- Monsanto (terminator seed) - Sony (sopa sipa cispa acta) - Church of Scientology (Tom Cruise) CISPA is Back: FAQ on What it is and Why it's Still Dangerous | Electronic Frontier Foundation ________ _______|________|________ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| `|``|```|```````|```|``|` | | | | | | __ | | | | | | \__|| | | | | | ___||_| | | | | | ( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / )( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / | | | | | | (. )( | | | | | | (. | | | | | | (_____________|__|___|_______|___|__|

Global Warfare: NATO Has Become a Worldwide Military Expeditionary Force   |  Global Research
NATO’s Worldwide Expansion in the Post-Cold World Era -

aah mere mercenary'

Kill the killer drone
Robo-Stop: Mankind raging against 'rise of machines' - YouTube

GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 3 

Twitter / _cypherpunks_: Military spending 2012 - ...

- North-Korea (Pyongyang style)
 - Treath level : 2 ( -1 )
 - Conflic Warming
South Korea to withdraw remaining workers from joint factory with North - The Globe and Mail
 - Conflic Cooling
  North Korea Asks Mongolia for Food Aid - Korea Real Time - WSJ

- War in Syria
 - Treath level : 2 ( = )
 - Field operation
Syria: Al-Qaeda's battle for control of Assad's chemical weapons plant - Telegraph
White House says the US may use military force against Syria — RT USA
Syrian "Incursion" Imminent? Hints From Current US Naval Positions -
White House says the US may use military force against Syria — RT USA

- Afghanistan
 - Threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation
NATO crash kills 4; Taliban begin spring offensive
- The whole Africa
 - Treath level : 1 ( = )
 - Field operation

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*             Are you ready for some football ?              *

Go Aaron Go | Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers: By The Numbers (Infographic)

les impacts du draft sur la prochaine saison
Seven NFL rookies poised to make impacts in 2013 -
2013 NFL Draft: Breaking down winning and worrisome picks -

*                   La E-Politique                           *
Google, la startup qui voulait se faire aussi grosse qu'un Etat

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