
dimanche 9 juin 2013

Circulaire IGA 0021 2eme semaine de Juin 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
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[Circulaire 0021, 2eme semaine de juin 2013,             Prism]

Beware of the hardware Researchers Say They Can Hack Your iPhone With A Malicious Charger - Forbes Exploit Windows Windows NT - Windows 8 EPATHOBJ Local Ring 0 Exploit Gmane -- Re: exploitation ideas under memory pressure Microsoft Internet Explorer textNode Use-After-Free Netgear Netgear WPN824v3 - Unauthorized Config Download Plesk-apache Plesk Apache Zeroday Remote Exploit Theorical Vulnerability Wireshark Wireshark ASN.1 BER Dissector CVE-2013-3557 Denial of Service Vulnerability Wireshark DCP ETSI Dissector Integer Overflow Denial of Service Vulnerability Wireshark DCP ETSI Dissector 'dissect_pft_fec_detailed()' Denial of Service Vulnerability Firefox Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-0776 URI Spoofing Vulnerability Mozilla Firefox SeaMonkey and Thunderbird CVE-2012-1942 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability OpenSSL OpenSSL CVE-2012-2686 Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability Netgear Netgear DGN1000 / DGN2200 - Multiple Vulnerabilities Tutorial Use powershell to play with hashes Lab of a Penetration Tester: Poshing the hashes: Using PowerShell to play with hashes _____ .` `. Authentified Hackers refuelling Device | .-. | - TIM HORTON - COUNTRY STYLE | | | | - AU ROYAUME DE LA TARTE - DUNKIN' DONUTs |\/| |/\| - BEL-GAUFRE |* `'` **| =========================================== `._____.' Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============

Anonymous - #opTurkey - YouTube
#7999469 - Pastie
More 145 Turkish Websites Hacked by Tunisian Hackers  –  HackRead – Latest Cyber Crime – Information Security – Hacking News
Anonymous, Syrian Electronic Army hack Turkish govt networks, leak emails incl PM's — RT News

Turkish airline strikers wearing Guy Fakes mask
Turkish Airlines Strike Safety Briefing / THY Grevi Güvenlik Brifingi - YouTube

Prism (echelon 2.0) Forget phones, PRISM plan shows internet firms give NSA everything • The Register Anonymous releases private NSA documents regarding spying -\ Echelon Word trigger What are those words that trigger Echelon? • The Register more and more NSA shit La pillule "password"....ouin c ca. Google-owned Motorola reveals stomach acid-powered tablet that turns your body into a password - Tips pour les big borthers en herbe The 25 Rules of Disinformation - UFO BREAKING!!! UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE by Canadian Minister of Defense May 2013 - YouTube
Your weekly google glass fix Google Glass as the Ultimate POV Action Camera | Gadget Lab | Google Glass : la reconnaissance faciale est possible Le porno sur les Google Glass ? Il y a une app pour ça - Obsession Mashup of Videogames in Movies.. Hey, You Got Your Videogame in My Cheesy '80s Movie! | Game|Life | Raspberry pi mini desktop Home Made EMP? Ask Hackaday: Can you steal a car with a mini tesla coil? Pitfall The game (return on events) Retrotechtacular: How I wrote Pitfall for the Atari 2600 Indie gaming The Humble Indie Bundle 8 (pay what you want and help charity)
Astronomy Gaia's Mission to Map the Milky Way - IEEE Spectrum Milky Way galaxy: Two new discoveries about its spiral arms. Biologie Video: Bioengineers invent light-controlled gel - The Globe and Mail Earth What Would Antarctica Look Like If All The Ice Melted? | Popular Science Physics The Fundamental Constants Behind Our Universe – Starts With A Bang Laws of Physics Say Quantum Cryptography Is Unhackable. It's Not | Wired Science Temporal cloak erases data from history : Nature News & Comment Space Exploration National Geographic Hidden Horrors of the Moon Landings - YouTube NASA: Mars Travelers Would Get Fried By Radiation | Popular Science
"Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot" GOLD Roubini: Why gold, 'that barbarous relic,' will trade below $1,000 by 2014 - The Tell - MarketWatch Pour les pessimistes 18 Signs That Massive Economic Problems Are Erupting All Over The Planet - Global economy balanced on a pinhead: Andy Xie - Caixin Online - MarketWatch Activist Post: Basel III: How The Bank For International Settlements Is Going To Help Bring Down The Global Economy Doomsday poll: 87% risk of stock crash by year-end - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch Rising Stock Prices Flash a Warning…Selloff Ahead? - - The big picture - Stock Screener - Stock Market forecast - Rising Star ( $$$ at med risk ) $mu waiting the next catalyser $himx rumored to be a major google glass hardware provider $mnkd devrait sortir un médicament révolutionnaire pour diabète cet été - Danger Zone ( $$$ at high risk ) $bbry target : 30$ lancement du Q10, underdog $amd next generation gaming console winners $wag target : 52$ wallmart + green = wallgreen (+medicare) $txn fournisseur les processeurs des googles glass. $atml arduino $yhoo target 30$ trending, tumblr acquisition - Safety bet ( $ at low risk ) $f target 20$ $wfc Finance solide, good momentum $csco target 40$ good momentum $intl new chip kick arm ass $sbux quand le cafe coute 8$ tu peux pas pas faire d'argent - Play the variation $tsla target : low 90$ high 100$ electric car are so trendy $ocz target low 1.20 target high 1.35 (heavy risk) $fslr low 50$ high 55$, powered by sun $ssys 3d printing (shell before its too late..and rebuy later. Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. circulaireiga - Free stock market game - password circiga n'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;) __ __ _| |_| |_ / | |_| |_| | <|__|_|__| \_ __ _ __ \ _| |_| | | $ |_| |_| |/ _____ $ |__| |__| |_____| _____ _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|
- Monsanto (terminator seed) - Sony (sopa sipa cispa acta) - Church of Scientology (Tom Cruise) Buycott : une application pour mieux voter avec son argent ________ _______|________|________ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| `|``|```|```````|```|``|` | | | | | | __ | | | | | | \__|| | | | | | ___||_| | | | | | ( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / )( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / | | | | | | (. )( | | | | | | (. | | | | | | (_____________|__|___|_______|___|__|

GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2

USA is loosing the economic war
U.S. losing economic war and Asia loves it - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Nuke Warhead deployed
Daily chart: Mutually assured ambiguity | The Economist

in the brink of WW3 ?
Are We On the Brink of World War III? -

Bienvenue au Yemen mon ami
A country armed to the teeth | Photographers Blog

- War in Syria
 - Death tolls
 - Treath level : 3 ( = )
 - Field operation
The Shadow War Behind Syria’s Rebellion: Foreign Backers Jockey for Influence in Turkey |
Syrian rebels capture crossing along Syria-Israel frontier - The Globe and Mail
Anonymous • Armed Rebels Massacre Entire Population of Christian Village in Syria
 - Messing Around

- Turkey
 - Threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation
Twitter / 57UN: Ankara’s Kizilay Square is ...
Twitter / 57UN: Latest images from Besiktas ...
Twitter / ahmetsaymadi: Devrimci örgütler Taksim'e ...
Turkish police clamp down on anti-government protests: LIVE UPDATES — RT News
Turkey PM rules out early elections as protesters clash with police | News | DW.DE | 09.06.2013 
Twitter / 57UN: This photo taken in #Adana, ...

- Afghanistan
 - threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation
Insider attack kills three U.S. trainers in Afghanistan - The Globe and Mail

- The whole Africa
 - Treath level : 1 ( = )
 - Field "operation"
Eastern Congo: The hills are alive again | The Economist

- Israel
 - threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation
Female Soldiers Defy IDF, Post More Semi-Nude Facebook Pics [NSFW]
US discloses Israel’s top-secret military base outraging Tel-Aviv — RT News

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*               Le coin des affaires de louche               *

*               Are you ready for some football              *

Wide receiver ranking
Ranking the NFL's top 40 wide receivers -


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