
dimanche 7 juillet 2013

Circulaire IGA 0025 2eme semaine de juillet 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
 /                  | |                 \ /           Beta 4  |
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;  xxx              : ;           <     |;        .   xxxxx   |
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 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0025, 2eme semaine de juillet 2013,    beetlejuice]

Decryptocat DecryptoCat - TobTu FBI public key US secret service public key DHS public key NATO public key Exploit Joomla SecurityFocus Winamp
Theorical Vulnerability 
Mozilla Firefox CVE-2013-1688 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox CVE-2013-1695 Security Bypass Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox CVE-2013-1700 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-0783 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird CVE-2013-1690 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird CVE-2013-1694 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-1687 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird CVE-2013-1697 Security Bypass Vulnerability
Adobe Acrobat and Reader CVE-2013-0622 Remote Security Bypass Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2418 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2471 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2465 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE and Java for Business CVE-2010-4450 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2472 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2469 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2463 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2448 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Apache Subversion CVE-2013-2088 Command Injection Vulnerability
Xen Page Reference Counting CVE-2013-1432 Denial of Service Vulnerability

 OWASP montreal 3 juillet
OWASP Montréal - July 3rd - Linux/CDorked - YouTube

 Why not building a botnet by a boring day
RaiderSec: Building an SSH Botnet C&C Using Python and Fabric

 .`     `.  Authentified Hackers refuelling Device
|   .-.   | -  TIM HORTON             -  COUNTRY STYLE
|\/|   |/\| -  BEL-GAUFRE
|*  `'` **| ===========================================
 `._____.'  Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts 
	    =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============

Anonymous Operation SF Manning Pride
Anonymous Operation SF Manning Pride - YouTube

Red hack
(English Subs) Redhack on Halk TV - Occupy Gezi & The Current State Of Turkey (1/3) - YouTube

Ma cabane au Canada (Building from scratch.. well .. woods actualy!)
 Deep woods cabin; one man, his tools, and a camera on a tripod

NSA on s'en tanne pas..
Pourquoi la NSA espionne aussi votre papa (#oupas) | BUG BROTHER
   #PRISM and Guests : Au moins 7 pays européens auraient des accords avec la NSA  : Reflets
NSA Surveillance Link Collection | anonymousirc

Bon prism de france
Révélations sur le Big Brother français

DAS Echelon

Coding for mass surveillance
AT&T Invents Programming Language for Mass Surveillance | Threat Level |

Smile im reading in your mind
Realeyes Emotion Detection Software Knows How You’re Feeling About Their Clients’ Ads | Singularity Hub

Your weekly google glass fix
Tesla Owners Get Their Own Google Glass App | Autopia |
Google Glass : le navigateur web fait son entrée !

Uptimized Space Refrigerator
Pull-out pantry fills space next to refrigerator

Solar Boat.. for thoes long sea cruse.. with clean power
An inside look at the world's largest solar-powered boat | The Verge

offline file sharing !
Dead Drops | Un-cloud your files in cement! 'Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space.

Voyager 1 Discovers Bizarre and Baffling Region at Edge of Solar System | Wired Science |

BBC News - Mouse cloned from drop of blood
Laser Blood Scan Could Help Identify Malaria and Other Diseases - Slashdot

Computer Science
 How algorithms rule the world | Science | The Guardian 
Checkmate: Members of IBM's Deep Blue Team Discuss the World of Computer Chess - YouTube

Is Math a Feature of the Universe or a Feature of Human Creation? | Idea Channel | PBS - YouTube
How does spacetime get bent?
Inside The Most Expensive Science Experiment Ever | Popular Science

How to / What you need to be a Natural Leader
Connect, Then Lead - Harvard Business Review

Space Exploration
Video: NASA launches solar telescope - The Globe and Mail
NASA : les moteurs ioniques battent un nouveau record aprÚs cinq années et demie d'activité 
NASA : un prototype de robot martien en test dans le désert d'Acatama
Video: SpaceX Grasshopper rocket test flight.

Cute Robots Will Be Launched Into Space : Discovery News

    "Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot"

Creation of the wealth
Wealth Creation And The State - Seeking Alpha

Le coin du Bitcoins, le bit...coin
How a total n00b mined $700 in bitcoins | Ars Technica
Bitcoin ETF Is A Way To Corner The Bitcoin Market And Create A Bubble - Seeking Alpha
Zerocoin/libzerocoin · GitHub

- The big picture - Stock Screener

- Stock Market forecast
 - Rising Star        ( $$$ at med risk )
   $mu                waiting the next catalyser
   $himx              rumored to be a major google glass hardware provider
   $mnkd              target 27$
 - Danger Zone        ( $$$ at high risk )
   $bbry              target : 30$ lancement du Q10, underdog
   $amd		      target : 10$
   $wag               target : 52$ wallmart + green = wallgreen (+medicare)
   $txn               fournisseur les processeurs des googles glass.
   $atml              arduino
   $yhoo              target 30$ trending, tumblr acquisition
   $ocz               may not as bad as we think.
   $sune              yet another sun stock with room to growth 
   $irbt              i-robot, meme ma mere en a un !
 - Safety bet         ( $ at low risk )
   $f                 target 20$
   $wfc               Finance solide, good momentum
   $csco              target 40$ good momentum
   $intl              new chip kick arm ass
   $sbux              quand le cafe coute 8$ tu peux pas pas faire d'argent
   $GS                GOLDMAN SACHS
 - Play the variation
   $tsla              target : low 90$ high 100$ electric car are so trendy     
   $fslr              low 50$ high 55$, powered by sun
   $ssys              3d printing (shell before its too late..and rebuy later. 

Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées
nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. 

circulaireiga - Free stock market game -

password circiga

n'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;)

                                __   __                     
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                             / |  |_|  |_|
                            | <|__|_|__|
                             \_ __ _ __ \
                              _|  |_|  | |
                     $       |_|  |_|  |/
                   _____     $ |__| |__|
                  |_____|  _____   _____     $
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                  |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|

- Monsanto   (terminator seed) 
- Sony       (sopa sipa cispa acta)
- Church of Scientology (Tom Cruise)

Buycott : une application pour mieux voter avec son argent

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GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2

Canada biowar capacity
Canada played key role in U.S., U.K. biological weapons programs: Walkom | Toronto Star


Singapore creates operations hub to beef up cyberdefense | ZDNet

 Treath level : 3 ( = )
 Field operation
 Messing Around

The whole Africa
 Treath level : 1 ( = )
 Field "operation"

Under heavy terrorisme activity

 threath level 1 ( = )
 Field operation
Video: Bomb kills 12 soccer players, fans in Iraq - The Globe and Mail

 financement taliban
 threath level 1 ( = )
 Field operation

Manif on the brinks of revolution

 Threath level 0 ( -1 )
 Field operation
Turkish police disperse protest at Istanbul square
Polis bu gruplara biraz önce mÌdahale etmedi! LÌtfen izleyin, paylaşın! (6 Temmuz 2013) - YouTube
Eli sopalılar polisle birlikte direnişçilere saldırdı! - YouTube

 treaht level 0 ( = )
 field operation
BBC News - Police clashes at start of Brazil Confederations Cup final
Brazilian Protesters Force Compromise in Public Services | PopularResistance.Org

 treaht level 0 ( = )
 field operation
Video: Student demonstrations in Peru turn violent - The Globe and Mail

 treaht level 1 ( +1 )
 the big picture
 field operation
Egypt's military gives Morsy ultimatum -
Egypt’s Morsi rebuffs army ultimatum, sets own course - The Globe and Mail
Post-coup violence in Egypt: LIVE UPDATES — RT News
What Sunday's Massive Anti-Morsi Protests in Egypt Looked Like - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood "steeling itself for a fight" - YouTube
Twitter / 57UN: Army vehicles positioned near ...
Coup topples Egypt's Morsy; supporters reportedly rounded up -
Twitter / CairoScene: View from CS office. Army deploys ...
Cairo erupts as Egypt's President Morsi ousted from power by military - The Globe and Mail
Military coup underway in Egypt, tanks deployed in Cairo - YouTube
Is what happened in Egypt a coup or a revolution? It’s both.
Guest Post: Egyptians Love Us For Our Freedom | Zero Hedge
‫رصد | سقوط أول قتيل امام دار الحرس الجمهوري‬‎ - YouTube
Twitter / Anonymous_wolrd: هكذا يعامل الجي؎ ...
‫«م؀يدو مرسي» يطلقون الخرطو؎ على المت؞اهرين من أعلى «أكتوؚر»‬‎ - YouTube
Egypt officials: 12 killed in clashes in Alexandria, bringing nationwide toll to 30 |
Shock: Watch Gunmen Open Fire On Praying Muslims In Egypt | Mediaite
Islamist protests hit cities across Egypt, at least 24 dead - The Globe and Mail
‫لح؞ة اطلاق الاخوان النار علي مت؞اهر ؚالتحرير‬‎ - YouTube
36 dead, over 1,000 injured in clashes between Egyptian protesters — RT News
Twelve killed as clashes break out nationwide, Egypt state TV reports - English | Front Page
Video Shows Shooting of Protester in Egypt -
Egypt Clashes Turn Violent Days After Army Takes Over (LIVE UPDATES)

 treaht level 0 ( = )
 field operation
Violence resumes in China’s Xinjiang region - The Globe and Mail
VIDEO: Violence In China's Muslim Dominant Xinjiang 2013 - YouTube

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*                      such a WTF world                      *

Organizer Of Armed March Loads Shotgun In Middle Of Washington DC While Warning Of 'Revolution' | ThinkProgress

*               Are you ready for some football              *

Most improved QB
Most Improved for 2013: Brandon Weeden heads quarterbacks -

Most valuable free agent
Best NFL team fits for available free agents - NFL Videos

*                            EOF                             *

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