[Circulaire 0052, 2eme Semaine de Janvier 2014, beta 9 - another space]
Pour nous joindre :
#sector_X on Freenode, efnet, undernet
other stuff
Technostalgia: Remembering our first computers | Ars Technica
Augmented-reality contact lenses to be human-ready at CES | Cutting Edge - CNET News
CES 2014 : Intel dévoile Edison, un ordinateur de la taille d’une carte SD
7 incroyables secrets cachés sur Google accessibles à tous | Piwee
Source Code in TV and Films
Stardock CEO reveals details about new Star Control title in development | Ars Technica
Bret Victor - The Future of Programming on Vimeo

-=[Theorical Vulnerability]=-
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-5616 Use After Free Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-5809 Remote Security Vulnerability
IBM Java CVE-2013-5375 Unspecified Security Bypass Vulnerability
[Linux Kernel]
Linux Kernel AACRAID Driver Compat IOCTL Local Security Bypass Vulnerability
Linux Kernel 'drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_priv.c' Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Linux Kernel CVE-2013-6763 Integer Overflow Vulnerability
Linux Kernel 'oz_cdev_write()' Function Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Linux Kernel 'ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_init()' Function Denial of Service Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-5619 Out of Bounds Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-5610 Multiple Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities
OpenSSL DTLS Implementations Man in the Middle Multiple Security Bypass Vulnerabilities
OpenSSL TLS Handshake Null Pointer Dereference Denial Of Service Vulnerability
X.Org libXfont BDF Font File Handling Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
-=[Tutorial & paper & stuff]=-
JavaScript for hackers - Dev.Opera
Marco Ramilli's Blog: Hacking through image: GIF turn
DoS attacks that took down big game sites abused Webâs time-sync protocol | Ars Technica
How the Bible and YouTube are fueling the next frontier of password cracking | Ars Technica

Gabon Libre - Free Gabon: #Gabon: Message important au peuple gabonais pour la libération du Gabon du systÚme Bongo-PDG (Junior Tchissambo)
Arduino Ball Throwing Game
Controlling Ten Thousand RGB LEDs
Collectl is a powerful tool to monitor system resources on Linux
Ryan Lizza: Why Won’t Obama Rein in the N.S.A.? : The New Yorker
Tom's Guide. Your page has not been found.
Backdoor in wireless DSL routers lets attacker reset router, get admin | Ars Technica
Hacking and Philosophy: Surveillance State
How the NSA (may have) put a backdoor in RSAâs cryptography: A technical primer | Ars Technica
NSA Admits Lots Of People Could Have Done What Snowden Did | Techdirt
Why NSA spied on inexplicably unencrypted Windows crash reports | Ars Technica
Your USB cable, the spy: Inside the NSAâs catalog of surveillance magic | Ars Technica

[Space, Galaxys, Planets, Quasar]
The Far Future of our Solar System â Starts With A Bang! â Medium
Le champ magnétique du Soleil s'est totalement inversé
Stellar Trio Could Put Einstein's Theory of Gravity to the Test | Science/AAAS | News
New Views of Supernova 1987A Reveal Giant Dust Factory - Slashdot
403 Forbidden
Physicists Claim First Observation of a Quantum Cheshire Cat - Slashdot
Astronomers Discover Unique Triple Star System --A Clue to the True Nature of Gravity?
Invisible parts of the sun revealed in NASA video | Crave - CNET
New class of ‘hypervelocity stars’ discovered; 1M+ mile-per-hour boost needed to achieve escape velocity | The Space Reporter
Second-generation planets around a binary star - Technology Org
[Medical, Drugs, DNA, Virus, Health]
JavaScript for hackers - Dev.Opera
Growing human organs inside pigs in Japan | KurzweilAI
Oublier ses mauvais souvenirs? Des scientifiques y sont arrivés grâce à des électrochocs
Which Drugs Actually Kill Americans [Infographic] | Popular Science
Your body wasn’t built to last: a lesson from human mortality rates | Gravity and Levity
-=[Computer Science]=-
[Computer Oriented Tech Developpment]
Computer Chips That Work Like a Brain Are Coming — Just Not Yet | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com
Confused about the NSA’s quantum computing project? This MIT computer scientist can explain.
Death laser ray spider-bot bring us one step closer to the apocalypse
International Obfuscated C Code Contest Winners Posted
SLAVES TO THE ALGORITHM | More Intelligent Life
[Climate Change, Earth Views, Nature]
Swarms of Small Satellites Set To Deliver Close To Real-Time Imagery of Earth - Slashdot
Budget sequester leaves US de-'fence'-less in space | Al Jazeera America
Earth-viewing satellite perspectives on the Chelyabinsk meteor event
[Conspiracy, E.T., Future, What-if?]
AWWA Sky Whale by Oscar Viñals » Yanko Design
First Private Supersonic Jet Promised in 2018 — For $80M | Autopia | Wired.com
NASA's Warp-Drive Solution for Faster-Than-Light Space Travel (A 2013 Most Popular)
[Atoms, Black Holes, Dark Matter]
FQXi Community
Super hydrophobic surface and magnetic liquid in slow motion | ScienceDump
Watch Scientists Levitate Objects with Ultrasound Waves [Video] | Geekosystem
[Human behaviour, Social behavior]
Mapping How Emotions Manifest in the Body - Olga Khazan - The Atlantic
[Non-Zero sum, Patturns, Deduction]
-=[Space Exploration]=-
[Probe, Rocket, Space Science]
As it Happened - Apollo 13 "Houston We've Had A Problem" - YouTube
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spies Chang'e 3 and Yutu | The Planetary Society
Mars Exploration Program: Spirit & Opportunity 10-Year Highlights
NASA Orbiter Spies Curiosity Ripping Up Mars Dust : Discovery News
Spider-Like Spacecraft Aims To Touch A Comet Next Year After Rosetta Reactivates
The 7 Ships of the New Space Age - Popular Mechanics
[Gen. Science, Tech, Devices]
13 Science Myths You Probably Believe
2014: The Year In Science | Popular Science
My Solar System 2.04

The Drone Survival Guide Explains How to Take Down Flying Robots | VICE Canada
Bad title - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Premier vol d'un avion de combat Tornado équipé de piÚces imprimées en 3D
Navy's 757-Sized Drone Will Provide Big-Time Surveillance | Danger Room | Wired.com
Al Qaeda Now Controls More Territory In The Arab World Than Ever Before
-=[GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2]=-
[North-Korea (Pyongyang style)]
Treath level : 0 ( = )
Conflic Warming
Treath level : 2 ( = )
Field operation
Syria ships out first batch of chemical weapon materials - The Globe and Mail
[The whole Africa]
Treath level : 1 ( = )
Field "operation"
2 kids beheaded, nearly 6,000 forced into militias in Central African Republic: UNICEFÂ - NY Daily News
AFRICOM has deployed military advisers to Somalia â Phantom Report
-=[Under heavy terrorisme activity]=-
threath level 1 ( = )
Field operation
Iraq's PM to al Qaeda fighters: 'We will not withdraw' from Anbar - CNN.com
Iraqi government: airstrike kills 25 militants
threath level 1 ( = )
Field operation
First on CNN: U.S. says Taliban behind deadly helicopter crash in Afghanistan – CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs
threath level 0 ( = )
Field operation
treath level 1 ( = )
field operation
Russie : “opération antiterroriste” à Stavropol aprÚs des découvertes macabres | euronews, monde
-=[Manif on the brinks of revolution]=-
treath level 0 ( = )
field operation
"Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot"
[love money]
[Le coin du bitcoin, le bit...coin!]
BBC News - Bitcoin crosses $1,000 on Zynga move
Zynga tests bitcoin payments on its website for games including FarmVille 2 - The Tell - MarketWatch
Les distributeurs Bitcoin interdits à Taïwan
Bitcoin startups pan for gold in cryptocurrency economy | Ars Technica
The Daily Dot - Put your bitcoins to work funding open-source cancer research
An early obituary for bitcoin | Edward Hadas
Bitcoin me: How to make your own digital currency | Technology | theguardian.com
Bitcoin Stares Down Impending Apocalypse (Again) | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com
Coinye responds to Kanye complaint, says currency now based on 'half-man half-fish hybrid' | The Verge
SEO is good for SEO.. the SEO corner ;)
7 conseils de pro pour adapter votre stratégie SEO à Google | Webmarketing & co'm
[Stock Market forecast]
Symbol |
Gain/Loss |
% Holdings &
Shares / Type
| 5 Day Chart | Players Holding | |
0.08 / 1.96
1,419 / 14.25
2,729 / Buy
| 1 | |
-0.06 / -0.36
714.38 / 7.19
635 / Buy
| 1 | |
0.13 / 0.59
1,080 / 5.41
947 / Buy
| 1 | |
1.01 / 2.74
3,237 / 33.01
344 / Buy
| 1 | |
-0.14 / -0.27
-1,232 / -12.43
167 / Buy
| 1 | |
0.02 / 0.22
-20.10 / -0.21
1,005 / Buy
| 1 | |
-0.57 / -3.99
3,743 / 37.61
998 / Buy
| 1 | |
-0.12 / -0.06
1,157 / 5.84
112 / Buy
| 1 | |
0.47 / 2.02
2,122 / 10.54
939 / Buy
| 1 | |
-4.91 / -1.46
-818.10 / -8.36
27 / Buy
| 1 | |
0.31 / 0.76
1,202 / 12.16
269 / Buy
| 1 | |
Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées
nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch.
- password circiga
N'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;)

- Monsanto (terminator seed)
- Church of Scientology
School of Privacy - Russia Orders Pirate Party to Drop ‘Pirate’ From Its Name | TorrentFreak
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon - Free Ebook
Former Canadian minister Paul Hellyer claims 'Aliens already walk among us' | Mail Online
Google va laisser de parfaits inconnus vous contacter sur Gmail: voici comment désactiver la fonctionnalité | Slate.fr
Everything Wrong with ‘Gremlins’ in Roughly 8 Minutes or So
The Social Media Wars [INFOGRAPHIC]
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