
dimanche 17 mars 2013

La Circulaire IGA 0009 3eme semestre de mars 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
 /                  | |                 \ /           Beta 2  |
| xxxx              , |            _____/|            xxxxxxx |
;  xxx              : ;           <     |;        .   xxxxx   |
:  xxx              ; :                 |:        |   xx      |
 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0009, 3eme  semestre de mars 2013, Opération tokyo]

*                      Hack the planet                       *

- Hacking linux Distro
403 Forbidden

- Facebook account hacking
How I Hacked Any Facebook Account...Again! | Nir Goldshlager Web Application Security Blog

- Exploit
 - Ubuntu 64
Ubuntu 12.10 64-Bit sock_diag_handlers Local Root Exploit
 - Linux Kernel
Linux Kernel 'SCTP_GET_ASSOC_STATS()' - Stack-Based Buffer Overflow

- Theorical Vulnerability 
 - Linux Kernel
Linux Kernel CVE-2013-1792 Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
Linux Kernel 'SCTP_GET_ASSOC_STATS()' Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Linux Kernel 'i915 DRM' Driver Integer Overflow Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-0425 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
 - Firefox
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-0787 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
 - Flash
Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-0650 Use After Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-1375 Remote Heap Based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-1371 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-0646 Remote Integer Overflow Vulnerability
 - Pidgin
Pidgin 'libpurple' CVE-2013-0272 HTTP Header Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Pidgin 'libpurple' Multiple Denial of Service Vulnerabilities
Pidgin 'Libpurple' CVE-2013-0271 Arbitrary File Overwrite Vulnerability
 - Quicktime
Apple QuickTime CVE-2012-3756 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

- Wordlist
A BIG password cracking wordlist | 57un

 .`     `.  Authentified Hackers refuelling Device
|   .-.   | -  TIM HORTON             -  COUNTRY STYLE
|\/|   |/\| -  BEL-GAUFRE
|*  `'` **| ===========================================
 `._____.'  Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts 
     =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============

*                          Anonymous                         *

Un peu de propagande

*               Big Brother is watching at you               *

NSA Communicators - NSA/CSS
Study: Your Facebook Likes Can Be Used Determine How Smart You Are and Your Sexuality | Gadget Lab |

*                      Totalement Geek !                     *

Hackerspace intro: HeatSync Labs

*                          Science                           *

- Physics
A 3D Printed Spaceship On The Scale Of A Human Hair? Hello Nanoscribe 3D Printer | Singularity Hub

*                           MrCash                           *
    "Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot"

- Gerry Pizza

- Market Big Picture
Inégalité des richesses aux Etats-Unis - YouTube

- Stock Market forecast
 - Rising Star        ( $$$ at med risk )
   $mu                earning in mars
   $himx              rumored to be a major google glass hardware provider
   $mnkd              devrait sortir un médicament révolutionnaire pour diabète cet été
 - Play the variation ( $$$ at high risk )
   $fslr              entre 25$ et 35$  
   $mu                up and down jusqua la confirmation fournisseur google glass
 - Danger Zone        ( $$$ at high risk )
   $znga              sous évalué
   $tsla              hope
   $bbry              début de vente au USA cette semaine. 
 - Dont Ask ;)        ( $$ at low risk )
   $VLO               acheté maintenant récolté cet été
 - Papi Style         ( $$ at med risk )
   $fb                earning this week. 
 - Safety bet         ( $ at low risk )
   $f                 sous-évalué
   $wfc               Finance solide
   $csco              beaucoup d'aquisition stratégique récente
   $qcom              il l'ont tu l'affaires les chinois

                                __   __                     
                              _|  |_|  |_
                             / |  |_|  |_|
                            | <|__|_|__|
                             \_ __ _ __ \
                              _|  |_|  | |
                     $       |_|  |_|  |/
                   _____     $ |__| |__|
                  |_____|  _____   _____     $
                  |_____| |_____| |_____|  _____     $
                  |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|  _____
                  |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|

*                The official Boycott list ;)                *

- Monsanto   (terminator seed) 
New 'Monsanto Protection Act' Gives Monsanto Power Over US Government

- Sony       (sopa sipa cispa acta)

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       /  )(    |  |   |       |   |  | 
      /         |  |   |       |   |  | 
     /          |  |   |       |   |  | 
    (.     )(   |  |   |       |   |  |
   (.           |  |   |       |   |  |

*                          WARFARE                           *

GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 3 

- North-Korea 

 - Treath level : 3 ( = )

 - Conflit Warming
Video: North Korea: Hazard or hyperbole? - The Globe and Mail

- War in Syria
 - Treath level : 1 ( = )

 - Field operation

              .-.              .-.              .-.    
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*                            EOF                             *

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