
lundi 13 mai 2013

Circulaire IGA 0017 2eme semaine de Mai 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
 /                  | |                 \ /           Beta 4  |
| xxxx              , |            _____/|            xxxxxxx |
;  xxx              : ;           <     |;        .   xxxxx   |
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 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0017, 2eme semaine de mai 2013,      short squeeze]

Hack the planet zine #5 (c'est juste trop bon). Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials Review hacked by the "Hack The Planet" group ; E Hacking News affected - E Hacker News Exploit Craig list gold SQL injection Craigslist Gold - SQL Injection Vulnerability Joomla Joomla DJ Classifieds Extension 2.0 - Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability Linux Kernel Linux Kernel open-time Capability file_ns_capable() - Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Theorical Vulnerability Internet Explorer Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2013-1347 Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Joomla Joomla! DJ-Classifieds Extension 'se_regs' Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability Linux Kernel Linux Kernel CVE-2012-6549 Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability Wordpress WordPress Gallery Plugin 'filename_1' Parameter Remote Arbitrary File Access Vulnerability - Tutorial - desfois c juste pour faire dla marde... Shodan finds the Internet's most dangerous spots - Traffic light controls (1) - CNNMoney - DOS like in the matrix baby Watch: A Website Getting Hacked Into Oblivion | Co.Design: business + innovation + design _____ .` `. Authentified Hackers refuelling Device | .-. | - TIM HORTON - COUNTRY STYLE | | | | - AU ROYAUME DE LA TARTE - DUNKIN' DONUTs |\/| |/\| - BEL-GAUFRE |* `'` **| =========================================== `._____.' Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============
OpUSA hacktivist attack results in defacements

Android Virtual Machine AndroVM blog | Running Android in a Virtual Machine Give me back my Windows pleease !!! Review of Start8 and Pokki: Bringing an Old Start to a New Windows -
Google dépose un brevet inquiétant pour les libertés individuelles Do You Want the Government Buying Your Data From Corporations? - Bruce Schneier - The Atlantic Des conspirateurs qui conspire des conspirations Tomgram: Rosner and Markowitz, Your Body Is a Corporate Test Tube | TomDispatch
transformer votre cellphone en portable Casetop, transformez votre smartphone en ordinateur portable ! - FrAndroid Histoire des manettes de jeux Your weekly Google Glass fix The Jury's Out on Google Glass - Digits - WSJ Time Traveling using Google Maps? Sure is a good way to see massive changes.. (try "Expliore the world")
Timelapse: Landsat Satellite Images of Climate Change, via Google Earth Engine

Hobby electronics team up with augmented reality

Everything you need to know to make a Laser engraver from scrap

- Astronomy Lunar water came from Earth - Computer Science Quantum computer passes speed test : Nature News Blog - Earth The Sixth Extinction is Upon Us. | elephant journal - Physics The secret lives of bubbles: Mathematicians describe evolution, dissolution of clusters of bubbles (w/ video) Symbolab Raises $1.2m for its Unique Mathematical Search Engine - Robotic The New AI: Where Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Meet - Slashdot
"Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot" How hackers allegedly stole “unlimited” amounts of cash from banks in just hours | Ars Technica Le coin du bitcoins...le bit...coin... Why Bitcoin will succeed - Outside the Box - MarketWatch - The big picture - Stock Screener - Stock Market forecast - Rising Star ( $$$ at med risk ) $mu waiting the next catalyser $himx rumored to be a major google glass hardware provider $mnkd devrait sortir un médicament révolutionnaire pour diabète cet été $fslr powered by sun $tsla electric car are so trendy - Danger Zone ( $$$ at high risk ) $bbry lancement du Q10, underdog $amd Still Low $wag wallmart + green = wallgreen (+medicare) $ssys 3d printing $ocz tout ou rien $txn fournisseur les processeurs des googles glass. $atml - Safety bet ( $ at low risk ) $f sous-évalué, sort les ventes de mars mardi le 2/3/13 $wfc Finance solide $csco beaucoup d'aquisition stratégique récente $intl - Earning Move $fslr lundi soir 6-5-13 (acheter avant close) $tsla mercredi 8-5-13 $renn 18-5-13 Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. circulaireiga - Free stock market game - password circiga n'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;) __ __ _| |_| |_ / | |_| |_| | <|__|_|__| \_ __ _ __ \ _| |_| | | $ |_| |_| |/ _____ $ |__| |__| |_____| _____ _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|
- Monsanto (terminator seed) - Sony (sopa sipa cispa acta) - Church of Scientology (Tom Cruise) ________ _______|________|________ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| `|``|```|```````|```|``|` | | | | | | __ | | | | | | \__|| | | | | | ___||_| | | | | | ( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / )( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / | | | | | | (. )( | | | | | | (. | | | | | | (_____________|__|___|_______|___|__|

un ptit peu d'histoire geo-politique

GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2

My Lazer is bigger than yours...missiles.
Watch Lockheed Martin’s ADAM laser destroy a missile mid-flight | Science! |


The Russian annoy
Russian military again flies strategic bombers near Alaska | Washington Free Beacon

- North-Korea (Pyongyang style)
 - Treath level : 2 ( = )
 - Conflic Warming

 - Conflic Cooling

- War in Syria
 - Treath level : 3 ( = )
 - Field operation
Breaking news: Traffic from Syria Disappears from Internet - Umbrella Security Labs

 Free Syrian Army rebels defect to Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra | World news | The Guardian

 - Messing Around

Reuters Next — Hezbollah says Syria will send it new arms after Israeli raid

- Afghanistan
 - Threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation

- Iraq
 - threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation

- The whole Africa
 - Treath level : 1 ( = )
 - Field "operation"
Reuters Next — South Sudan rebels force army from eastern base and town

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