
lundi 17 juin 2013

Circulaire IGA 0022 3eme semaine de juin 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
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 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0022, 3eme semaine de juin 2013,           phawnky]

Interview avec un Blackhat Dans la peau d’un hacker black hat | Korben Value of a hacked email Exploit Wordpress Wordpress WP-SendSMS Plugin 1.0 - Multiple Vulnerabilities Linux kernel Linux kernel perf_swevent_init - Local root Exploit zpanel Serious Remote Execution Exploit in Zpanel! Proof of concept Bios rootkit EXFiLTRATED Theorical Vulnerability Linux kernel Linux Kernel 'copy_event_to_user()' Function Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability Linux Kernel 'mmc_ioctl_cdrom_read_data()' Function Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability Linux Kernel 'b43' Wireless Driver Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Linux Kernel Multiple Local Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities Linux Kernel 'perf' Multiple Denial of Service and Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities Linux Kernel CVE-2013-3222 Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability Malformed Request Java Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2432 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat and Reader CVE-2013-2729 Unspecified Remote Integer Overflow Vulnerability Adobe Acrobat and Reader CVE-2013-2730 Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Adobe Acrobat and Reader CVE-2013-2727 Remote Integer Overflow Vulnerability Quicktime Apple QuickTime CVE-2013-0986 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Apple QuickTime CVE-2013-1021 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Apple QuickTime CVE-2013-0988 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Flash Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-3343 Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability KDE plasma KDE Plasma Paste Applet Local Password Generation Vulnerability .net frameworkd Microsoft .NET Framework CVE-2013-1337 Authentication Bypass Vulnerability Microsoft .NET Framework XML Digital Signature CVE-2013-1336 Security Bypass Vulnerability internet explorer Microsoft Internet Explorer XML Object Zone Restriction Bypass Vulnerability Microsoft Internet Explorer BR549.DLL ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Microsoft Internet Explorer Cached Web Credentials Disclosure Vulnerability Apache Apache HTTP Server Terminal Escape Sequence in Logs Command Injection Vulnerability Linksys Cisco Linksys E1200 N300 Router 'submit_button' Parameter Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability Xen Xen 'ELF' Parser Multiple Security Vulnerabilities _____ .` `. Authentified Hackers refuelling Device | .-. | - TIM HORTON - COUNTRY STYLE | | | | - AU ROYAUME DE LA TARTE - DUNKIN' DONUTs |\/| |/\| - BEL-GAUFRE |* `'` **| =========================================== `._____.' Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============
Meet 4 star general Keith Alexander NSA Snooping Was Only the Beginning. Meet the Spy Chief Leading Us Into Cyberwar | Threat Level | Prism (echelon 2.0) Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations | World news | The Guardian Israeli Involvement in NSA Spying | - Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal News Que sait-on exactement sur PRISM ? | SecurityVibes Magazine – Qualys Security Community 86 Civil Liberties Groups and Internet Companies Demand an End to NSA Spying | Electronic Frontier Foundation Révélations sur la NSA: il y a pire que Prism | U.S. Agencies Said to Swap Data With Thousands of Firms - Bloomberg Pentagon bracing for public dissent over climate and energy shocks| Nafeez Ahmed Canada can (and do it) sniff your data too! Canada has tracked phone and Internet data for years | Toronto Star TOR VS PRISM PRISM vs Tor | The Tor Blog NSA timeline Timeline of NSA Domestic Spying | Electronic Frontier Foundation Other NSA shit Elected for the people... but won't listen the brefing on NSA.. #GiveYourSeatPlez! Most senators reportedly skipped NSA briefing to catch flights home - Lulz Twitter / Anon_Central: Meanwhile in the #USA: ...
Your weekly google glass fix Google Glass Teardown One step further google glass Samsung travaille sur des lentilles intelligentes | Geeko Eco-Robot Recycling, solar, and wind power team up to make a terrifying crab robot | Grist
Astronomy Spectacular Cosmographic Maps Chart Galaxies and Superclusters in Local Universe | Wired Science | Un trou noir dormant dans la galaxie du Sculpteur | Ciel et Espace 26 New Black Hole Candidates Found In Andromeda - Slashdot Nasa finds 'unprecedented' black hole cluster near Andromeda's central bulge (Wired UK) Biologie Vous pourriez bientôt régénérer des parties endommagées de votre corps comme le fait la salamandre | Daily Geek Show Emiliania huxleyi: le secret de l'algue qui s'adapte à tout | How Common Is Your Birthday, A Chart of Birth Date Frequencies Earth BBC - Future - Science & Environment - What would happen if all satellites stopped working? Scenic Time-Lapse Captures Dubai Bustle in Day and Night Space Exploration Une météorite de Mars contient les éléments clefs de la vie Instrumentation of the Sapphire Rocket and Ground Support Equipment — For Download | Wired Science | Opportunity Rover Discovers Martian Habitable Zone Favorable for Pre-biotic Chemistry Robotic Mind Over Mechanics - YouTube

    "Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot"

le coin du bitcoins..le bit..coin
So You Think Bitcoin is a Great Way to Remain Anonymous in Your Financial Transactions? -

Double a city’s population and its economic productivity goes up 130%. MIT researchers think they know why.
Why innovation thrives in cities - MIT News Office

- The big picture - Stock Screener

- Stock Market forecast
 - Rising Star        ( $$$ at med risk )
   $mu                waiting the next catalyser
   $himx              rumored to be a major google glass hardware provider
   $mnkd              target 27$
 - Danger Zone        ( $$$ at high risk )
   $bbry              target : 30$ lancement du Q10, underdog
   $amd        next generation gaming console winners
   $wag               target : 52$ wallmart + green = wallgreen (+medicare)
   $txn               fournisseur les processeurs des googles glass.
   $atml              arduino
   $yhoo              target 30$ trending, tumblr acquisition
 - Safety bet         ( $ at low risk )
   $f                 target 20$
   $wfc               Finance solide, good momentum
   $csco              target 40$ good momentum
   $intl              new chip kick arm ass
   $sbux              quand le cafe coute 8$ tu peux pas pas faire d'argent
 - Play the variation
   $tsla              target : low 90$ high 100$ electric car are so trendy           
   $ocz               target low 1.20 target high 1.35 (heavy risk)
   $fslr              low 50$ high 55$, powered by sun
   $ssys              3d printing (shell before its too late..and rebuy later. 
Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées
nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. 

circulaireiga - Free stock market game -

password circiga

n'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;)

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                            | <|__|_|__|
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                     $       |_|  |_|  |/
                   _____     $ |__| |__|
                  |_____|  _____   _____     $
                  |_____| |_____| |_____|  _____     $
                  |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|  _____
                  |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|

- Monsanto (terminator seed) Essais de blé GM: 75 000 personnes au front contre Monsanto | Claudette Samson | Agro-alimentaire - Sony (sopa sipa cispa acta) - Church of Scientology (Tom Cruise) Buycott : une application pour mieux voter avec son argent ________ _______|________|________ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| `|``|```|```````|```|``|` | | | | | | __ | | | | | | \__|| | | | | | ___||_| | | | | | ( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / )( | | | | | | / | | | | | | / | | | | | | (. )( | | | | | | (. | | | | | | (_____________|__|___|_______|___|__|

GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2

The Cyberwar
InfoSec Institute Resources   –  China vs US, cyber superpowers compared
NSA director says dozens of attacks were stopped by surveillance programs - The Washington Post
NSA Snooping Was Only the Beginning. Meet the Spy Chief Leading Us Into Cyberwar | Threat Level |

- North-Korea (Pyongyang style)
 - Treath level : 1 ( = )
 - Conflic Warming

- Syria
 - recap
Syria - Full Length | VICE United States
 - opportunisme
Anonymous • Pretext for a New War: Obama Lies About Syrian Chemical Weapons
 - Treath level : 3 ( = )
 - Field operation
Syrian rebels execute teenage boy for ‘heresy’ - report (GRAPHIC PHOTO) — RT News
CIA preparing to deliver rebels arms through Turkey and Jordan - The Washington Post
 - Messing Around
Why Russia Will Almost Certainly Back Down In Syria -

- Turkey
 - Threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation
Tear gas, stun grenades, fire: Chaos overtakes Istanbul protests -
Twitter / C0d3Fr0sty: Turkish police use tear gas ...
Turkish police oust Taksim protesters with tear gas as Erdogan cheers removal of ‘rags’ — RT News
Twitter / Anon_Central: #Turkey: Today: A protester ...
Turkish police clash with protesters in central square | World Wrap
Twitter / ?
Twitter / Anon_Central: #Turkey: Around 50k protestors ...
Twitter / 57UN: Revolutionary error! Cannot ...
Tear gas and bulldozers: Istanbul riot police clear Gezi Park protest camp — RT News

- Afghanistan
 - threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation
Taliban fighters attack building near Kabul airport -
Taliban claim responsibility for Kabul suicide blast -

- The whole Africa
 - Treath level : 1 ( = )
 - Field "operation"
The UN prepares to go to war for the first time, with a 3,000-strong task force sent to fight rebels in the Congo  | Mail Online

- Iraq
 - threath level 1 ( = )
 - Field operation

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*               Le coin des affaires de louche               *

he ben
The Latest Cannabis Discoveries That the Federal Government Doesn’t Want You to Know About | Alternet

*               Are you ready for some football              *

Tim tebow, the new patriots
Tim Tebow to sign with New England Patriots, play QB -
Tim Tebow, Bill Belichick's Patriots a match made in heaven -
Ultimate Tim Tebow comebacks -

QB battle for next season
Where the NFL's QB battles stand after minicamp -

Manager overview
Who's <i>really</i> in charge? Bill Belichick's savvy clear in AFC East -

*                            EOF                             *

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