Anatomy of a hack: How crackers ransack passwords like “qeadzcwrsfxv1331” | Ars Technica
Watch: A Website Getting Hacked Into Oblivion | Co.Design: business + innovation + design
No-IP Dynamic Update Client (DUC) 2.1.9 - Local IP Address Stack Overflow
Craigslist Gold - SQL Injection Vulnerability
Joomla DJ Classifieds Extension 2.0 - Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability
Linux Kernel open-time Capability file_ns_capable() - Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
Linux PERF_EVENTS - Local Root Exploit
Linux Kernel open-time Capability file_ns_capable() Privilege Escalation
Linksys WRT160nv2 apply.cgi Remote Command Injection
D-Link DIR615h OS Command Injection
Linksys WRT160nv2 apply.cgi Remote Command Injection
Veil - A Payload Generator to Bypass Antivirus
Ruby on Rails Exploit Harvests IRC Botnet | Threatpost
CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted Sandcat Browser – Pen-Test Oriented Web Browser
Injection SQL via Android | Korben
301 Moved Permanently
Three wireless security myths – busted! [VIDEO] | Naked Security
Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2013-1347 Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Joomla! DJ-Classifieds Extension 'se_regs' Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability
Linux Kernel CVE-2012-6549 Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability
WordPress Gallery Plugin 'filename_1' Parameter Remote Arbitrary File Access Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2436 Security Bypass Vulnerability
Xen CVE-2013-1964 Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
Xen CVE-2013-1952 Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird CVE-2013-1674 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-1670 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-1680 Use After Free Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-0801 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-1678 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2384 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-1675 Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2013-1312 Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2424 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Linux Kernel 'fs/compat_ioctl.c' Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-1681 Use After Free Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-1679 Use After Free Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird CVE-2013-1672 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
Oracle Sun Products Suite CVE-2013-1530 Local Security Vulnerability
Wireshark ASN.1 BER Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark DCP ETSI Dissector NULL Pointer Dereference Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark ETCH Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark Websocket Dissector Denial of Service Vulnerability
Wireshark Websocket Dissector 'packet-websocket.c' Denial of Service Vulnerability
WordPress Traffic Analyzer Plugin 'aoid' Parameter Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2383 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-0401 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Full Disclosure: SEC Consult whitepaper :: Blackberry Z10 Research Primer - "Dissecting Blackberry 10 - An initial analysis"
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-1677 Out of Bounds Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Cisco Wireless LAN Controller CVE-2013-1235 Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
Cisco WebEx Social CVE-2013-1245 Multiple Security Bypass Vulnerabilities
Cisco Unified Communications Manager CVE-2013-1240 Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird CVE-2013-1669 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox CVE-2013-1671 Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-3333 Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Apache Tomcat CVE-2013-2071 Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Apache Tomcat CVE-2013-2067 Session Fixation Vulnerability
Apache Tomcat CVE-2012-3544 Denial of Service Vulnerability
Google Chrome CVE-2013-2849 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
Apple QuickTime CVE-2013-0989 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Microsoft Windows 'HTTP.sys' Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2013-1308 Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Cisco Nexus 1000V NX-OS CVE-2013-1211 Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
Cisco NX-OS Software for Nexus 1000 Series CVE-2013-1210 Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2013-3140 Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Apple QuickTime CVE-2013-1017 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Adobe Reader and Acrobat CVE-2013-2550 Use After Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Cisco Nexus 1000V NX-OS CVE-2013-1208 Security Bypass Vulnerability
Cisco Nexus 1000V NX-OS CVE-2013-1212 SSL Certificate Validation Security Bypass Vulnerability
Cisco Nexus 1000 Series Switches NX-OS CVE-2013-1209 Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-1563 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2435 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2428 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2429 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-1569 Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2421 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Linux Kernel CVE-2013-2850 Heap Based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-0797 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted BT Still Works: Attacking on Windows, Linux or MAC PC using Java Applet Method Handle Remote Code Execution
CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted Sql Injection Tools: BSQL Hacker
CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted Sql Injection Tools: The Mole
CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted Sql Injection Tools: Safe3SI
CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted Hack Remote Windows Passwords in Plain Text with WCE
Samsung Galaxy S4 already hacked - The H Security: News and Features
Researcher Unlocks Galaxy S4 Bootloader For AT&T, Verizon Phones - Slashdot
LG Optimus G - Une faille de sécurité inquiètante - Android et Vous !
Comment rooter le Samsung Galaxy S4
Cyber crime statistics and trends [infographic] - Holy Kaw!
InfoSec Institute Resources – Transforming your Android Phone into a Network Pentesting Device
dSploit - Android Network Penetration Suite
Review of Start8 and Pokki: Bringing an Old Start to a New Windows -
AndroVM blog | Running Android in a Virtual Machine
CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted Microsoft Attack Surface Analyzer
CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted How to View Last Activity of Your PC
Buycott : une application pour mieux voter avec son argent
vFeed® – The Open Source Correlated & Cross-Linked Vulnerability XML Database | - The Hackers Arsenal Tools | Repository for vFeed and DPE Projects
Un service génial pour envoyer et recevoir ses textos « TECHNOSTÉRONE Le blogue de Pascal Forget
Cyberfox : un Firefox survitaminé !
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10 ways to grow your business by 10% (or 20% or 50%) in 12 months
Bit Angels
Voici ce que nous réserve Google en terme de SEO en 2013
SEO Copywriting – 10 Tips for Writing Content that Ranks in 2013 (Infographic)
18 Ways to Increase Your Visibility and Your Credibility -- all with less work than you're likely doing now | Sandra Martini
Asking for a Raise? Avoid Round Numbers -
Why Bitcoin will succeed - Outside the Box - MarketWatch
Wary of Bitcoin? A guide to some other cryptocurrencies | Ars Technica
Russia’s Plan For The BRICS To Dismantle The Dollar System -
10 Amazing Charts That Demonstrate The Slow, Agonizing Death Of The American Worker -
Joe Oliver: The end of fossil fuels would be an economic and social catastrophe - The Globe and Mail
Daily chart: Game on | The Economist
Warrior Publications | Purpose: To promote warrior culture, fighting spirit, and resistance movements
Une adolescente invente un dispositif capable de recharger un mobile en 20s
Bitcoin helps fund world’s first 3D-printed gun, now test fired and available for download -
Un sabre laser pour de vrai
Pentagon Lifts Veil on 7 New Obscure Chinese Weapons | Danger Room |
Watch Lockheed Martin’s ADAM laser destroy a missile mid-flight | Science! |
A Computer-based Smart Rifle With Incredible Accuracy, Now On Sale - Slashdot
A New 'Smart Rifle' Decides When To Shoot And Rarely Misses : All Tech Considered : NPR
Robot Guns, Combat Facebook: The Tech of the Army's 'Last' Afghanistan Brigade | Danger Room |
The \A316 gun: Plastic firearm you can make at home from household items is created by 3D printer | Mail Online
Casetop, transformez votre smartphone en ordinateur portable ! - FrAndroid
MakerBot and Robohand -- 3D Printing Mechanical Hands - YouTube
The Jury's Out on Google Glass - Digits - WSJ
The Official Arduino Robot
NASA is funding a 3D food printer, and it'll start with pizza | The Verge
Howto TOW
We Are Now One Year Away From Global Riots, Complex Systems Theorists Say | Motherboard
Life through Google's eyes - YouTube
La Nasa enregistre les images des deux plus grosses éruptions solaires de l'année -
Violent Galactic Clash May Solve Cosmic Mystery - Slashdot
NASA : la création des galaxies enfin révélée [Vidéo]
Reuters Next — Scientists create human stem cells through cloning
Reservoir deep under Ontario holds billion-year-old water : Nature News & Comment
La fourmi dévoreuse d’électronique
Researchers Regenerate 400-Year-Old Frozen Plants - Slashdot
Des embryons de dinosaures donneraient acc\E8s \E0 du mat\E9riel organique
Google, NASA Open New Lab to Kick Tires on Quantum Computer | Wired Enterprise |
Des chercheurs chinois cr\E9ent la premi\E8re m\E9moire quantique, Google et la NASA mettent sur pied un laboratoire quantique de recherche sur l'IA
Some Scientists Question Whether Quantum Computer Really Is Quantum - Slashdot
The Sixth Extinction is Upon Us. | elephant journal
Want to live forever? Russian billionaire reveals real-life 'avatar' plan - and says he will upload his brain to a hologram and become immortal by 2045 | Mail Online
Physicists Create Quantum Link Between Photons That Don't Exist at the Same Time | Wired Science |
A Snapshot of the Inside of an Atom - Slashdot
Physics - A New Look at the Hydrogen Wave Function
A Snapshot of the Inside of an Atom - ScienceNOW
Quantum gravity takes singularity out of black holes - space - 29 May 2013 - New Scientist
The New AI: Where Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Meet - Slashdot
Unknown Mathematician Proves Elusive Property of Prime Numbers | Wired Science |
Historical linguistics: Eurasiatic? | The Economist
Resource Wars: Major U.S. military operations/actions to protect oil -
Georgian War [Documentary] - YouTube
2013/05/29 > BE Brésil 145 > Une étude archéologique réalisée dans l'Etat du Piaui pourrait changer l'histoire de l'arrivée des premiers hommes en Amérique
Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution - Professor Antony Sutton - YouTube
The Aviationist » Russia’s NATO to have its own Air Force
The Aviationist » Russia’s NATO to have its own Air Force
US Army Creates NATO Rapid-Deployment Forces | StratRisks
Data Footprints by Generations [Infographic]
Protect your privacy on Google | Fox News
ANONYMOUS – La NSA publie son manuel du parfait cyber-espion | Big Browser
Comment empêcher Google de vous pister en ligne ? - francetv info
The New Xbox One Will be a "Monitoring Device Under the Guise of a Gaming Console" - The Vigilant Citizen - The Vigilant Citizen
Tomgram: Rosner and Markowitz, Your Body Is a Corporate Test Tube | TomDispatch
Do You Want the Government Buying Your Data From Corporations? - Bruce Schneier - The Atlantic
Dying CIA Agent reveals US Government Alien Contact, Area 51 secrets, black ops and UFO knowledge - YouTube
Microsoft espionnerait-il via Skype ?
'Men in Black' Russian UFO-НЛО Documentary Promoted by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev - YouTube
FR - Témoins militaires d'OVNI sur des sites nucléaires - National Press Club (27-09-10) VOSTFR - YouTube
Oliver Stones: The Untold History Of The United States Episode 10. [Video]
Engineering Empire: An Introduction to the Intellectuals and Institutions of American Imperialism -
Bilderberg, Google and the G8: New Global Tax Regime Already in the Works
Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies - The Washington Post
This Pentagon Project Makes Cyberwar as Easy as Angry Birds | Danger Room |
Les pirates chinois s'attaquent aux services secrets australiens et au Pentagone | UnderNews
5 Russian-Made Surveillance Technologies Used in the West | Danger Room |
Twitter / RT_com: PHOTO: Alleged CIA spy had ...
Cloak, dagger and a blond wig? FSB says CIA agent nabbed in Moscow (VIDEO, PHOTOS) — RT News
Encircling Russia with US Military Bases: Moscow Catches CIA Spy Red-Handed | Global Research
CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted How to Find Windows 7 PC Location in Google Map hacked by the "Hack The Planet" group ; E Hacking News affected - E Hacker News
Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials
Montreal City Police Live Audio Feed
Operation Hangover : La plus grande activité de cyber-espionnage jamais connue originaire d’Inde | Data Security Breach