
dimanche 28 juillet 2013

Circulaire IGA 0028

   _________________   _________________    __________________
 /                  | |                 \ /           Beta 4  |
| xxxx              , |            _____/|            xxxxxxx |
;  xxx              : ;           <     |;        .   xxxxx   |
:  xxx              ; :                 |:        |   xx      |
 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0028, 1ere semaine de aout 2013,     ]

Pour nous joindre

#sector_x on efnet
#sector_x on undernet
#sector_x on freenode 

NASDAQ rooted
“NASDAQ is owned.” Five men charged in largest financial hack ever | Ars Technica

Apple Quicktime 7 Invalid Atom Length Buffer Overflow
 Android Master key
Exploit (& Fix) Android "Master Key" - Jay Freeman (saurik)

 Cellphone cracking
PIN-Punching Robot Can Crack Your Phone's Security Code In Less Than 24 Hours (Video) - Forbes

Theorical Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2394 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2459 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2457 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2453 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2456 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2473 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2446 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2412 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2450 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2407 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2458 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-2416 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Some phones can be pwned by sending two SMS messages to them - Boing Boing
Cisco Video Surveillance Manager CVE-2013-3431 Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
Cisco Video Surveillance Manager CVE-2013-3430 Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Software CVE-2013-3414 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2013-3783 Remote Security Vulnerability

 rooting SIM card
Rooting SIM Cards - Slashdot
Rooting SIM cards | Security Research Labs

 .`     `.  Authentified Hackers refuelling Device
|   .-.   | -  TIM HORTON             -  COUNTRY STYLE
|\/|   |/\| -  BEL-GAUFRE
|*  `'` **| ===========================================
 `._____.'  Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts 
     =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!============

Anonymous #NOV5TH 2013 : une cyber-attaque planifiée le 5 novembre

Biotechnology: Independent streak : Naturejobs

Dont forget the CIA
How CIA Black Ops Teams Are Hacking Into Computers Worldwide

Google is watching you...fucking fast
Google's Latest Machine Vision Breakthrough - Slashdot

Math again you
How Math Could Help Defuse Riots  | Popular Science

and other shit
Cisco's Sourcefire Buy Will Let It Monitor Users Instead of Packets
How to blow whistles securely: Just AdLeaks | The Economist
Crowd steps up to fund 'NSA-proof' app | The Stream - Al Jazeera English
Crowdsourced Finnish copyright bill headed to parliament | PCWorld
How Protecting Your Privacy Could Make You the Bad Guy | Wired Opinion |

Your weekly google glass fix
Clever Hacks Give Google Glass Many Unintended Powers : All Tech Considered : NPR
Video - Lost in the Woods With Google Glass: How Hard Can It Be? -
I Watched James Deen Make the First-Ever Google Glass Porn | Motherboard

Arstechnica computer guide
Ars Technica System Guide: July 2013 | Ars Technica

Mapping twitter
Amazing Maps of 3 Billion Tweets Reveal iPhone vs. Android Neighborhoods | Wired Design |

et si on voyait le wifi 
Here's What Wi-Fi Would Look Like If We Could See It | Motherboard

AIREAL: Interactive Tactile Experiences in Free Air - YouTube

Saran wrap art
If You Put Saran Wrap on a Scanner, You Get This Ghostly Art | Wired Design |

jen veux un
Arduino cellphone

cool stuff
Building a blinky infinity mirror
Your Favorite Movies Laid Out as Vintage Treasure Maps - Wired Science

Explore – How big is the Solar System, really? Joe Hanson...
Binary Stars May Give Alien Life a Boost : Discovery News
 Bacteria In Space Grows Weird | Space Science Experiments | 
Researchers Find More Evidence That Dolphins Use Names - Wired Science
These Bacteria Are Wired to Hunt Like a Tiny Wolf Pack - Wired Science
 Bacteria In Space Grows Weird | Space Science Experiments | 
Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought  –  Quartz
Where 'Nightmare Bacteria' Came From, And How Our Inattention Helped Them Emerge - Wired Science
Faux souvenirs: "Inception" devient réalité au pays des souris - RTBF Etcetera
 False memory planted in mouse's brain | Science | The Guardian 
Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought  –  Quartz

Computer Science
As Machines Get Smarter, Evidence They Learn Like Us | Simons Foundation

Big Map of Tiny Creatures: Dip Into a Global Atlas of Plankton - Wired Science
Scientists call for protection of Canada's boreal forest - The Globe and Mail
Global Warming 5 Million Years Ago In Antarctic Drastically Raised Sea Levels - Slashdot
Méthane: la bombe invisible | Le Devoir
VIDÉO. Le Pôle Nord est devenu un lac avec la fonte des glaces
Mystery of Earth's radiation belts solved : Nature News & Comment

Probes confirm Earth acts like a giant particle accelerator | Ars Technica
Graphene ‘miracle material’ could be toxic to humans

Space Exploration
La Terre vue de Saturne à 1,45 milliard de km
Curiosity Provides New Evidence for Warm, Wet Ancient Mars | Space Exploration |
The Best Space Images Ever Were Taken by Apollo Astronauts With Hasselblad Cameras - Wired Science
 Curiosity rover finds evidence Mars lost its atmosphere 4bn years ago | Science | The Guardian 
Finding Aliens through Mining Pollution | Rogum
It’s Easier for Aliens to Visit Us Than Previously Thought

RHex the Parkour Robot - YouTube

    "Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot"

well si c vrai....
The Biggest Oil Discovery In 50 Years? -

Pour les pessimistes

Product Strategy Means Saying No | Inside Intercom

- The big picture - Stock Screener

- earning
Earnings Calendar - 2013 Economic Events Calendar - TheStreet

- Stock Market forecast
 - Rising Star        ( $$$ at med risk )
   $mu                earning 30/08 | target 21$
   $himx              earning 14/08
   $mnkd              target 27$ | phase 3 aout 13 | earning 6/08
   $pphm              traitement contre le cancer phase 3
 - Danger Zone        ( $$$ at high risk )
   $wag               target : 52$ wallmart + green = wallgreen (+medicare)
   $txn               earning 22/07
   $atml              earning 31/07
   $sune              yet another sun stock with room to growth 
   $irbt              i-robot, meme ma mere en a un ! | earning 23/07
 - Safety bet         ( $ at low risk )
   $f                 target 20$ | earning 24/07
   $wfc               Finance solide, good momentum
   $csco              target 40$ | earning 14/08
   $sbux              earning 25/07
   $gs                target 200$ 
 - Play the variation        
   $fslr              low 50$ high 55$, powered by sun | earning 7 aout
   $ssys              3d printing (shell before its too late..and rebuy later. 

sell for earning and re-evaluation
   $amd        target : 5$ | earning 18/07
   $intl              new chip kick arm ass | earning 17/07
   $ocz               racheter si drop a 1.25
   $nok               earning 18/07 | buy 31/07 sell 01/01/14
   $bbry              racheter si drop en bas de 6$
   $yhoo              target 30$ trending

Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées
nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. 

circulaireiga - Free stock market game -

password circiga

n'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;)

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                     $       |_|  |_|  |/
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- Monsanto   (terminator seed)

- Church of Scientology (Tom Cruise)

Buycott : une application pour mieux voter avec son argent

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GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2
US-Israel flight drill,
3D printed rifle

Meet the global foot-riot model
It's Time To Start Taking This Global Food Riot Model Seriously | Motherboard

the artic frontier
U.S. Arctic Ambitions and the Militarization of the High North  -

Israel drone
Israel's Killer Robots | VICE United States
North-Korea (Pyongyang style) Treath level : 1 ( = ) Conflic Warming Syria Treath level : 3 ( = ) Field operation Syrian rebels capture strategic village near northern city of Aleppo: reports - The Globe and Mail Syrian rebels capture border town near Turkey - YouTube The whole Africa Treath level : 1 ( = ) Field "operation" Under heavy terrorisme activity Iraq threath level 1 ( = ) Field operation Attacks in Iraq kill 13 as toll from previous day’s attacks passes 70: authorities - The Globe and Mail Over 500 ‘Al-Qaeda militants’ escape Iraq’s Abu Ghraib in violent break-out — RT News Twitter / Anon_Central: Meanwhile in #Iraq ... Afghanistan financement taliban threath level 1 ( = ) Field operation Afghan bomber on donkey kills 3 NATO-led soldiers - Manif on the brinks of revolution Egypte treaht level 1 ( = )
 field operation
Six killed in attack on pro-Morsi protest in Cairo: state media - The Globe and Mail
Bomb at Egypt police station kills one, injures 17
Egyptian army threatens to shoot violent protesters - The Globe and Mail
Bloodshed, tensions boil as Egypt government, opposition trade blame -

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