
vendredi 1 novembre 2013

Circulaire IGA 0042 1ere semaine de novembre 2013

   _________________   _________________    __________________
 /                  | |                 \ /           Beta 6  |
| xxxx              , |            _____/|            xxxxxxx |
;  xxx              : ;           <     |;        .   xxxxx   |
:  xxx              ; :                 |:        |   xx      |
 _ __ ___ __________|  _________________| ________|___________|
[Circulaire 0042, 1ere Semaine de Novembre 2013,  Casino Royal]

Your weekly Google Glass fix 
Google Glass 2 is coming, finally compatible with prescription glasses | Ars Technica


-=[Theorical Vulnerability]=-
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-5824 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-5819 Remote Security Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-5599 Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox CVE-2013-5592 Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-5596 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox CVE-2013-5591 Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox 'PDF.js' Javascript Security Bypass Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-5602 Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-5600 Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-5601 Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability

-=[Tutorial & paper]=-
Good tutorial for WinDbg? - Stack Overflow

 [SQL injection]
50 Ways to Inject Your SQL - YouTube

 [Hijack Facebook]
Hackers Can Hijack Facebook Accounts by Exploiting Flaw in Android Apps – Video

 [Wifi Cracking]
How to Crack a Wi-Fi Password


Anonymous : Hacks into Federal Reserve Bank
Anonymous : Hacks into Federal Reserve Bank - YouTube

NSA Haiku generator ;)
NSA Haiku Generator

Million mask march
Million Mask March  World Event | 5 NOV 2013 | Anonymous, WikiLeaks, The Pirate Party, Occupy and Oath Keepers Unite Marchers, Occupiers, Whistleblowers and Hacktivists

Cellphone jammer
Make Your Own Cell Phone Jammer - wikiHow

SEA hack Barack
Syrian Electronic Army Confirms they took over Barack Obama's Campaign Website, email, twitter and Facebook Account ~ Techworm

wpa/wpa2 cracking
bdpurcell/bully · GitHub

Free online WPA cracker with stats - besside-ng companion

Lightbeam (simply to awesome)
Lightbeam for Firefox :: Add-ons for Firefox

Odin network (crypted chat)
Odin - Secure Networking

Big Brother award
Ubuntu's Mark Shuttleworth wins Austria's Big Brother Award | Muktware

just stop using facebook...seriously
Facebook peut deviner avec qui vous partagez votre vie

[Space, Galaxys, Planets, Quasar]
20 minutes - L exoplanète Kepler-78b, une Terre d enfer - Science

[Medical, Drugs, DNA, Virus, Health]
Chemists find biological complexes that beat chance  | Ars Technica

[Atoms, Black Holes, Dark Matter]
New Technology For Converting a Metal To a Semiconductor With a Laser - Slashdot

[Machines, Robots, AI, Drones]
Insect-Inspired Flying Robot Handles Collisions And Keeps Going - Slashdot

-=[Space Exploration]=-
[Probe, Rocket, Space Science]
Les méduses nées dans l’espace ne supportent pas la gravité terrestre et il en sera de même pour l’homme | GuruMeditationGuruMeditation

Open Exoplanet Catalogue

[Gen. Science, Tech, Devices]
La super-batterie au graphÚne, chargée en un éclair, autonome pendant des semaines


-=[GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 3]=-

US stealth destroyer 
Bigger, Lighter, Deadlier! Navy launches new stealth destroyer – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

new from the F-35

russia nuclear drill
Moscow Conducts Large-Scale Nuclear Attack Drill | Washington Free Beacon


 Treath level : 2 ( = )
 Field operation

[The whole Africa]
 Treath level : 1 ( = )
 Field "operation"

U.S. drone strike in Somalia kills suspected Al Shabaab members – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

Suicide bomber attacks Tunisian resort, second arrested nearby - The Globe and Mail

-=[Under heavy terrorisme activity]=-

 threath level 1 ( = )
 Field operation
Amid fresh violence, Iraq’s PM seeks U.S. aid - The Globe and Mail

 threath level 1 ( = )
 Field operation

 threath level 0 ( = )
 Field operation
Leader of Pakistani Taliban Killed in Drone Strike -

 threath level 0 ( = )
 Field operation

*                           MrCash                           *

    "Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot"

[Le coin du bitcoin, le bit...coin!]
Take a Tour of Robocoin, the World's First Bitcoin ATM | Wired Enterprise |


[Next important date]
30/10/2013 : release of Q3 GDP
end of october : the dept ceiling joke

[Stock Market forecast]
 - Rising Star        ( $$$ at med risk )
   $mu                target 34$
   $himx              target 20$ 
 - Danger Zone        ( $$$ at high risk )
   $ssys              3d printing (shell before its too late..and rebuy later.   
   $irbt              i-robot, meme ma mere en a un ! 
   $mnkd              target 27$ 
 - Safety bet         ( $ at low risk )
   $f                 target 20$ 
   $wfc               Finance solide, good momentum
   $csco              target 40$ 
   $sbux              target 100$
   $gs                target 200$ 
 - the very unsafe bet

Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées
nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. 

circulaireiga - Free stock market game -

 - password circiga

N'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;)

- Monsanto   (terminator seed) 
- Church of Scientology 

[Are you ready for some football]

Team powerranking for week 9

Week 8 top 10 performance
Twitter / nfl: Megatron made it. Cam and Brees ...

Week 8 highlight 

Week 8 top catches
Twitter / nfl: Top 5 Catches (Week 8):  

5. ...

Week 8 top runs

prédiction of last week (#5 : 10/13 (77%))
prédiction total (66/104 (63%))

jedi 31/10/2013    : Cincinnati vs Miami         : Miami
dimanche 3/11/2013 : Kansas City vs Buffalo      : Buffalo
                     Atlanta vs Carolina         : Carolina
                     Minnesota vs Dallas         : Dallas
                     New Orlean vs New York Jets : New Orlean
                     tennesse vs Saint-Louis     : Tennesse
                     San Diego vs Washington     : San Diego
                     Philadelphie vs Oakland     : Oakland
                     Tampa Bay vs Seattle        : Seattle
                     Baltimore vs Cleveland      : Baltimore
                     Pittsburg vs New England    : New England
                     Indiannapolis vs Houston    : Indiannapolis
Lundi 4/11/2013    : Chicago vs Green Bay        : Green Bay

et si vous agissiez dans la vie comme sur internet ?
Things You Do Online That'd Be Creepy In Real Life - YouTube

*                        Politburo                           *

end of the NWO ?
 The end of the New World Order | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian 

end of the W ?
La Terre en 2100: invivable? | Sciences et santé -

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