
samedi 15 février 2014

La Circulaire IGA 0057 3eme semaine de fevrier 2014

[Circulaire 0057, 3eme Semaine de fevrier 2014, carnaval]

Pour nous joindre :

#sector_X on Freenode, efnet, undernet

My Google Glass weekly fix

other stuff
Watch a 15-Minute Teaser for the New Game of Thrones Season | Underwire |
26 Useful eBooks Collection Free (Included Linux) and HTML5 Video Tutorial - Ubuntu/Linux News, Reviews, Tutorials, Apps

-=[Tutorial & paper & stuff]=-
Java pour infecter les utilisateurs Linux et Mac avec un bot DDoS - Le Monde Informatique
Ethical Hacking Tutorials, Tips and Tricks. Free Tutorials, How to's
Hacked X-Rays Could Slip Guns Past Airport Security | Threat Level |




-=[Proof of concept]=-



-=[Theorical Vulnerability]=-

 [Adobe flash player]
Adobe Flash Player CVE-2014-0497 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Oracle Java SE CVE-2014-0423 Remote Security Vulnerability

Oracle MySQL Server CVE-2014-0402 Remote Security Vulnerability
Oracle MySQL Client 'main()' Function Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

 [Linux kernel]
Linux Kernel CVE-2013-6368 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
OpenStack Glance Information Disclosure Vulnerability

 [Internet Explorer]
Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2014-0281 Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2014-0289 Memory Corruption Vulnerability

Mozilla Firefox/SeaMonkey CVE-2014-1483 Multiple Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities
Mozilla Firefox/SeaMonkey/Thunderbird CVE-2014-1487 Information Disclosure Vulnerability

S.O.S VENEZUELA : youranonnews

New drone technology “equivalent to the capabilities of 100 Predator drones”
NSA tracking cellphone locations worldwide, Snowden documents show - The Washington Post

[Space, Galaxys, Planets, Quasar]
Meet the Kraken: Hydrocarbon seas spotted at Titan’s north pole | Ars Technica
La plus vieille étoile connue est âgée de 13,6 milliards d'années - France Info

[Medical, Drugs, DNA, Virus, Health]
Self-Assembling Molecules Like These May Have Sparked Life on Earth - Wired Science
Gene therapy: Ingenious | The Economist

[Atoms, Black Holes, Dark Matter]
We're One Step Closer to Nuclear Fusion Energy - Wired Science

[Human behaviour, Social behavior]
The Human Brain Now Reacts to Emoticons Like Real Faces | Underwire |

-=[Space Exploration]=-
[Probe, Rocket, Space Science]
NASA is now accepting applications from companies that want to mine the moon | The Verge

[Gen. Science, Tech, Devices]
New Polymer Could End Battery Fires, Quadruple Efficiency | Autopia |

New US Military Space Plane Aims for 2017 Liftoff |
Five Futuristic Weapons That Could Change Warfare  |  StratRisks

-=[GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 2]=-

 Treath level : 2 ( = )
 Field operation
Syria adds opposition peace talks delegates to "terrorist list"

[The whole Africa]
 Treath level : 1 ( = )
 Field "operation"
Car bomb hits U.N. cars, kills 2 near Mogadishu's airport -

-=[Under heavy terrorisme activity]=-

 threath level 1 ( = )
 Field operation
Iraqi militants accidentally set off own car bomb at training camp leaving 21 dead - The Globe and Mail
  Bomb School Blows Up; 45 Killed, 97 Wounded Across Iraq  --

 threath level 1 ( = )
 Field operation
Bomb kills two civilian contractors in Afghanistan, ISAF says -
2 wearing Afghan security uniforms kill 2 coalition soldiers -

 threath level 0 ( = )
 Field operation
 threath level 0 ( = )
 Field operation

-=[Manif on the brinks of revolution]=-

 treath level 0 ( = )
 field operation
New drone technology “equivalent to the capabilities of 100 Predator drones”

 treath level 0 ( = )
 field operation

 treath level 0 ( = )
 field operation
AFP: Venezuela: trois morts dans des manifestations contre le gouvernement
Imágenes inéditas de la protesta en Parque Carabobo. Caracas/Venezuela - Video Dailymotion
Twitter / AnonsVenezuela: @YourAnonNews The government ...
Twitter / Gabiiurdaneta: @YourAnonNews Venezuela today ...
Twitter / YourAnonNews: #Venezuela |
Twitter / DJgamin: @YourAnonNews Venezuela is ...
Online and Off, Protesters Are Bombarding Venezuela's Government | Motherboard
Venezuelans Blocked on Twitter as Opposition Protests Mount - Businessweek

    "Il n"en tien qua toi pour que largent coule a flot"

[love money]

[Le coin du bitcoin, le bit...coin!]
Why Mt. Gox, the World’s First Bitcoin Exchange, is Dying
Un trojan pour Mac OS X vole des Bitcoins
  Bitcoin extends fall below $700 as exchanges battle ID hacks - The Tell - MarketWatch
JP Morgan: Bitcoin is “vastly inferior” to traditional, fiat currency | Ars Technica
Ottawa s'intéresse aux bitcoins | Budget fédéral 2014 |
Monnaie virtuelle: Le bitcoin gagne l’économie réelle à Genève -   High-Tech -

[Stock Market forecast]


Pour ceux qui voudrait suivre les rendements des actions proposées
nous avons créés une game sur marketwatch. 

circulaireiga2 - Free stock market game -

 - password circiga

N'hésitez pas à vous créez un accompte pour nous challenger ;)


- Monsanto   (terminator seed) 

- Church of Scientology 

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