_________________ _________________ __________________ / | | \ / Beta 2 | | xxxx , | _____/| xxxxxxx | ; xxx : ; < |; . xxxxx | : xxx ; : |: | xx | _ __ ___ __________| _________________| ________|___________| [Circulaire 0005, 3ieme semestre de fevrier 2013, Apophis] ============================================================== * Big Brother is watching you * ============================================================== Riot, le moteur de recherche qui espionne votre vie privée en ligne Big Brother is WWWatching You - feat. George Orwell [RAP NEWS 15] - YouTube 'Google for spies' draws ire from rights groups YouTube Software that tracks people on social media created by defence firm | World news | The Guardian ============================================================== * Anonymous * ============================================================== Anonymous Is Interested in You A Message From Anonynmous to the President of the United States http://oplastresort.com/ Anonymous' 'Operation SOTU' Hints At Hacking State Of The Union Address Anonymous CALL TO IMMEDIATE ACTION! #opSOTU CyberGuerrilla soApboX » Anonymous – Operation Kashmir ============================================================== * Software of the Week * ==============================================================
Reglé vos problèmes de MBR avec ms-sys.
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Downloader du Warez c'est mal...voyeeeezzz !
http://boingboing.net/2013/02/09/fbi-employees-love-the-bittorr.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter ============================================================== * MrCash * ============================================================== - Economy 536 http://www.blacklistednews.com/It%E2%80%99s_the_Interest, 30 Major U.S. Corporations Paid More to Lobby Congress Than Income Taxes, 2008-2010 The Future of Money: A Global Currency? | Visual.ly - the Hint of the week Seasonal Patterns In Stock Markets: 319 Years Of Evidence - Seeking Alpha - Stock Market forecast $f safe $$ target + 50% $amd risky $$$ target : 3.25$ at spring $csco med $$ Long run (up to 27$ in 2013) $vlo safe $ Long run (début été) (dont ask ;) ) $qcom med $ Long run $intl med $ Long run $mu med $$$ mars $fb med $$ up to 37$ in mars $nok risky $$$ long run $bbry risky $$ long run (now to 2014) $fslr risky $$ variation - the gambler choice $tsla extreme $$$ - the funny choice Marijuana Legalization - Here And Now - Seeking Alpha ============================================================== * The official Boycoyt list ;) * ============================================================== - Monsanto - Sony - ============================================================== * Hack the planet * ============================================================== - Transforme your Rasberry Pi into a cyberwar machine 2 distribs Raspberry Pi pour vos pentests | Korben - The Smilling Script Kiddies Strike again ! - Unlock Iphone Screen iPhone - Une faille de iOS 6.1 permet d'outrepasser l'écran de verrouillage | UnderNews - Exploit - VmWare VMWare OVF Tools Format String Vulnerability - Proof of Concept - Linksys SecurityFocus SecurityFocus - Theorical Vulnerability - Oracle Mysql Oracle MySQL Server Privilege Escalation Vulnerability - Adobe Acrobat Reader Zero-day vulnerability in Adobe Reader - The H Security: News and Features Adobe confirms zero-day exploit bypasses Adobe Reader sandbox - Computerworld - Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-1373 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-1368 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-1370 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-0638 Memory Corruption Vulnerability Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-1374 Use After Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-0647 Memory Corruption Vulnerability Adobe Flash Player and AIR CVE-2013-0637 Information Disclosure Vulnerability - Java Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-1473 Java Runtime Environment Remote Security Vulnerability Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-0449 Java Runtime Environment Remote Security Vulnerability Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-0448 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-0430 Java Runtime Environment Remote Security Vulnerability ============================================================== * WARFARE * ==============================================================
GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 3
The big picture The Real New World Order. Bankers Taking over the World - BlackListedNews.com
Analyse de la bataille de Hoth Inside the Battle of Hoth: The Empire Strikes Out | Danger Room | Wired.com lets build a fucking X-wings !!!! (to blow up the deathstar indeed) Crowdfunding Rebel Alliance X-Wing Squadron by Simon Kwan — Kickstarter The currency War The Currency War Is Not New, It's Merely Escalating - Seeking Alpha 3eme essaie Nucleair Nord Coréen North Korea carries out apparent nuclear test | The Raw Story http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-korea-north-kcna-idUSBRE91B07I20130212 http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-korea-north-ctbto-idUSBRE91B09120130212 - the bluff Five things to know about North Korea's planned nuclear test - CNN.com - reality check http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-korea-north-ctbto-idUSBRE91B0IX20130212 Here's How Geology Shows North Korea's Nukes Are Getting Bigger | Danger Room | Wired.com - Condamantion internationnal World leaders condemn North Korea’s nuclear test - The Globe and Mail - ONU : http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-korea-north-un-ban-idUSBRE91B07T20130212 - USA : Obama statement on N. Korea's nuclear testNorth Ko... | Reuters.com - Russie : http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-korea-north-russia-size-idUSBRE91B0A420130212 - Japon : http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-japan-economy-abe-idUSBRE91B0AJ20130212 - Chine : http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-korea-north-china-idUSBRE91B0BW20130212 - Inde : http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-korea-north-india-idUSBRE91B0DO20130212 - Otan : http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-korea-north-nato-idUSBRE91B0FF20130212 - Allemagne : http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-korea-north-germany-idUSBRE91B0DG20130212 - Australie - Canada - Réaction Sud Coréenne South Korea deploys cruise missiles on N. Korean border - BlackListedNews.com - War in Syria ( CIA - The World Factbook ) - Treath level : 2 ( -1 ) - Les acteurs : - Les Rebels Syrien VS - Le Gouvernement Syrien - Backup russe (armement) http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/13/us-syria-crisis-russia-idUSBRE91C0GZ20130213 - Backup Iranien (louche) http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/14/us-syria-crisis-iran-idUSBRE91D0EY20130214 Outsider random poke - Israel dimanche 10-02-2013 http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/11/us-syria-crisis-dam-idUSBRE91A0AX20130211 http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/11/us-syria-crisis-damascus-idUSBRE91A0DH20130211 lundi 11-02-2013 http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-syria-crisis-idUSBRE91A0MU20130212 http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/12/us-syria-crisis-airport-idUSBRE91B0F120130212 Mardi 12-02-2013 : le gouvernement Syrien contre-attaque http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/13/us-syria-crisis-idUSBRE91A0MU20130213 Mercredi 13-02-2013 zzzz jeudi 14-02-2013 zzZzz vendredi 15-02-2013 ZZZZzzzzz samedi 16-02-2013 ZZzzzZZZZz - War in Mali ( CIA - The World Factbook ) - Treath LeveL : 1 ( -1 ) - Les acteurs effectif malien 6000 troupes, mal armée et mal entrainé. effectif francais 2000-2500 && commando transport Americain et autre support && hidden special force transport Canadien et &&special force African corp 1900 British commando 240 for Milian and African troop training Unite frontaliere Algerienne VS al quaida et friend ???? - hé ben, les troupes de al quaida au Mali on commencé à pratiqué des actes de guérila..ya tu quelqu'uns qui est surpris ? http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/10/us-mali-rebels-shooting-idUSBRE91906A20130210 - Escarmouche à la frontière du Soudan http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/09/us-sudan-south-fighting-idUSBRE9180B120130209 http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/10/us-southsudan-violence-idUSBRE91906120130210 - Escalade de Bluff Chinois Vs Japan Is China Mobilizing For A War With Japan? - BlackListedNews.com Chinese Troop Movements Signal War? --NTDTV.org ============================================================== * Météor Média * ============================================================== Video BREAKING: Meteor fall causes damage in Russia [UPDATED] | The Planetary Society Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteorite explosion that stirred panic in Urals region - YouTube Meteorite Crash Reported In Russia factual Russian meteor largest in a century : Nature News & Comment Q & A: How common are meteorite strikes, and how big of a threat are they? - The Globe and Mail ============================================================== * LULZ @ EPIC FAILS * ============================================================== Le gouvernement Japonais offre à l'Arabie Saoudite de les aidés à construire des centrales nucléaire afin d'augmenté leurs capacités d'exportation de pétrole, ce qui arrangerait bien le Japon qui va avoir besoin de plus de pétrole pour compenser l'arrêt de leurs centrales nucléaires suite à l'incident de fukushima. clap clap bravo ! http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/10/us-japan-saudi-idUSBRE91907520130210
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