_________________ _________________ __________________ / | | \ / Beta 3 | | xxxx , | _____/| xxxxxxx | ; xxx : ; < |; . xxxxx | : xxx ; : |: | xx | _ __ ___ __________| _________________| ________|___________| [Circulaire 0006, 4ieme semestre de fevrier 2013, ascinized] ============================================================== * Hack the planet * ============================================================== - les histoires de la semaine Microsoft apple et facebook se sont faites attaquer par une offensive massive utilisant les failles java 0day de la semaine passée. les attaques se sont effectuées en utilisant des employés des différentes compagnies comme vecteur. Le twitter de @burger king c'est faite hacké. Le MAPAQ ne sera pas content de savoir que c'est vite devenu viral ;) Burger King's Twitter Is Hacked - Business Insider
Le twitter de @anon_central s'est faite hacké par un groupe
appellé Rustle League, il sagit définitivement d'un iside job.
- le hardware à la rescousse Pwnie Express - Theorical Vulnerability - Sun Solaris Oracle Sun Products Suite CVE-2013-0400 Local Solaris Vulnerability Oracle Sun Products Suite CVE-2013-0415 Local Solaris Vulnerability Oracle Solaris CVE-2013-0407 Local Vulnerability Oracle Sun Products Suite CVE-2013-0399 Local Solaris Vulnerability - Windows Microsoft Windows CSRSS CVE-2013-0076 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Microsoft Windows TCP/IP TCP FIN WAIT CVE-2013-0075 Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability - Linux Kernel Linux Kernel CVE-2013-0228 Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Linux Kernel '__skb_recv_datagram()' Local Denial of Service Vulnerability - JAVA Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-0427 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-1485 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-1484 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-1487 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability Oracle Java SE CVE-2013-1486 Remote Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability - Firefox Mozilla Firefox and SeaMonkey CVE-2013-0751 Information Disclosure Vulnerability - Xen server Xen Linux PCI Backend Drivers Local Denial of Service Vulnerability - Apache Apache 'mod_negotiation' HTML Injection and HTTP Response Splitting Vulnerability Apache Apache HTTP Server 'mod_proxy_ajp Module Denial Of Service Vulnerability - Adobe Acrobat Reader Digging Into the Sandbox-Escape Technique of the Recent PDF Exploit : netsec Adobe Reader : Nouvelle faille zero-day massivement exploitée | UnderNews - Firefox Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-0765 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-0773 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-0775 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey CVE-2013-0780 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability _____ .` `. Authentified Hackers refuelling Device | .-. | - TIM HORTON - COUNTRY STYLE | | | | - AU ROYAUME DE LA TARTE - DUNKIN' DONUTs |\/| |/\| - BEL-GAUFRE |* `'` **| =========================================== `._____.' Dont Forget: A Hacker without donuts =============ITS NOT A HACKER!!========== ============================================================== * Big Brother is watching at you * ============================================================== Anonymous • Greetings citizens of the United States and the... ============================================================== * Al-Quaida * ============================================================== How to defend yourself agains drone... conseil d'expert ;) al-Qaeda's 22 Tips and Tricks To Dodge Drones - Slashdot ============================================================== * Totalement Geek ! * ============================================================== Cyprien - Les geeks - YouTube ============================================================== * Science * ============================================================== Semaine freak coté science, on y découvre des cellulles zombies des réacteurs nucleairs domestiques et on badtrip sur le boson de higgs. The Search for the Genetics of Intelligence - WSJ.com New Coal Technology Harnesses Energy Without Burning, Nears Pilot-Scale Development NASA's basement nuclear reactor Une cellule zombie mise au point par des chercheurs américains Miguel Nicolelis Says the Brain Is Not Computable, Bashes Kurzweil’s Singularity | MIT Technology Review Video: Throwing and catching an inverted pendulum – with quadrocopters | Robohub http://boingboing.net/2013/02/21/graphene-supercapacitors-could.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter NASA Designs New Space Telescope Optics to Directly Image Exoplanets and detect biosignatures Our universe could be swallowed by an alternate one, Higgs research suggests | The Verge Smallest Exoplanet Yet Discovered by ‘Listening’ to a Sun-like Star ============================================================== * MrCash * ============================================================== "Il n"en tien qu'à toi pour que l'argent coule à flot"
- The big picture A Long-Term Look At Inflation - Seeking Alpha Sorry Bears, We're In A Secular Bull Market - Seeking Alpha- Economy 536 Population and what it means for your portfolio - MarketWatch How to Read the Stock Market Charts Using Technical Analysis — Value Stock Guide Quantitative Vs. Qualitative Methods For Stock Analysis - Seeking Alpha - Howto convert web traffic into $ How Do Websites Make Money? - Slick and the outlag Google Chrome : Un faux plugin pour obtenir des "J'aime" sur Facebook | UnderNews - Stock Market forecast $f safe $$ target + 50% $amd risky $$$ target : 3.25$ at spring $csco med $$ Long run (up to 27$ in 2013) $vlo safe $ Long run (début été) (dont ask ;) ) $qcom med $ Long run $intl med $ Long run $mu med $$$ mars $fb med $$ up to 37$ in mars $nok risky $$$ long run $bbry risky $$ long run (now to 2014) $fslr risky $$ variation - the gambler choice $tsla extreme $$$ - the funny choice Marijuana Legalization - Here And Now - Seeking Alpha __ __ _| |_| |_ / | |_| |_| | <|__|_|__| \_ __ _ __ \ _| |_| | | $ |_| |_| |/ _____ $ |__| |__| |_____| _____ _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ $ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| _____ |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| ============================================================== * The official Boycoyt list ;) * ============================================================== - Monsanto - Sony - ============================================================== * WARFARE * ============================================================== GLOBAL WARNING (1 to 5) : 3 - The big picture The Real New World Order. Bankers Taking over the World - BlackListedNews.com - The Cyberwar Daily chart: Hack-attack | The Economist China's cyberwar: Intrusions are the new normal (FAQ) | Politics and Law - CNET News US ready to strike back against China cyberattacks - BlackListedNews.com Anonymous • US in cyberwar arms race with China, Russia - The Chinese case Watch a Chinese military hacker launch a successful attack | HITBSecNews BBC China crew detained by military after filming 'cyber-warfare headquarters' | PressGazette http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/19/us-china-hacking-idUSBRE91I06120130219 Anonymous Helps Researchers Link Hackers To Chinese Army BBC News - China military unit 'behind prolific hacking' Chinese army unit leading hacking vs. U.S.: report - MarketWatch http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/19/technology/chinas-army-is-seen-as-tied-to-hacking-against-us.html?hp&_r=2& - War in Syria ( CIA - The World Factbook ) - Treath level : 2 ( = ) - Les acteurs : - Les Rebels Syrien - Les mercenaires Libya transporting weapons and fighters to Syria: Americans, Moroccans, Libyans, Egyptians, Bosnians fighting alongside rebel forces VS - Le Gouvernement Syrien - Backup russe (armement) http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/13/us-syria-crisis-russia-idUSBRE91C0GZ20130213 - Backup Iranien (louche) http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/14/us-syria-crisis-iran-idUSBRE91D0EY20130214 Outsider random poke - Israel - Overview Syria: The death of a country | The Economist - News from the front Dozens dead in central Damascus bombing - YouTube http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/22/us-syria-crisis-aleppo-idUSBRE91L17C20130222 - War in Malia ( https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ml.html ) - dans l'indiférence la plus total http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/17/us-mali-rebels-bourem-idUSBRE91G0CO20130217 - the real war begin http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/22/us-mali-rebels-france-idUSBRE91L11220130222 - La puissance militaire du Chad en marche ;) http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/23/us-mali-rebels-chad-idUSBRE91M00420130223
- conflit Chine Japon en ébulition Game of Thrones: China’s Military Hawks Go On The Offensive - overview Daily chart: Trouble at sea | The Economist .-. .-. .-. |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| .</_\>, .</_\>, .</_\>, (o_0_o) (o_0_o) (o_0_o) .'\ .---'''''''''''--. /'. .'\ /'. | .' '. | | | | ; | | .' ; '._| |_| : |_| ; ; | .-. \ \ | | .-. |___.--''''''''''''--.___|_| |_ _| \_\-. |_| |_ _| :______.-----------._____; > </_\>, (_\ \(_>.</_\>, /| ________ ________ |\ o_0_o) |\ \ (o_0_o) ( ; ( _.' '._ ) ; ).'\ /'. | \_.'\ /'. ; \ '._.-' .''. '-._.' / ; | ; | |_|__|| | ; | | | | -' : \ '- | |_| : |_| | ||_| : |_| : | ; | ;\ \ | | | _| \ \ | | .' ; .--. ; '. \_\-. |_|\|/__) \_\-. |_| / .' \ .-'.--.'-. / '. \|(_\ \(_> |(_\ \(_> (.' \ / /' '\ \ / '.) |\ \\ | |\ \\ \ \.'-' '-'./ /| | \_\ | | \_\ \.--''' .''. '''--./ |__|__| \ |__|__| \ ( \ .--. / )| | | | | | ; .. / l \ .. ;|_ | _| |_ | _| \ (__) ( ) (__) /__\|/__) (__\|/__) _____ '-.______.-\ /--.______.-' ._ '' .' '--' -.`'----.. .' `. ` / \ ` / | \ \ \ | / | | / \ | |
============================================================== * Les 3 côtés de la médaille * ============================================================== Russian meteorite: The conspiracy theories | Technically Incorrect - CNET News
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